Saturday, August 4, 2012

POST 681; 08/04/12; ON THE ROAD TO OBX - I-90

Slept soundly last night. The Sheridan, Wyoming motel furnished an excellent "Continental" Breakfast to send us on our way.

Leaving town on I-90 South, I stopped to take the above photograph of the distant mountains bordering Yellowstone National Park.

Another beautiful day greeted my MPV, which again performed without a hiccup all day. In fact, a strong tail wind pushed us along I-90 at average speeds of 60 - 65 mph, improving gas mileage to 16 mpg.

The Rocky Mountains are now behind us. The Northern Grasslands of Wyoming and South Dakota are still quite undulating, offering up some challenging hills.

The past three days have produced many hundreds of motorcycles on I-90. Yesterday I realized that this is the weekend for the Sturgis Motorcycle of the most popular and well attended events in the USA.

Around mid-day, passed through Sturgis as we headed East on I-90. Wanted to go into town to witness the festivities...but the roads into town were chocked with motorcycles, campers and vehicles pulling, continued without stopping.

As I passed Sturgis by, I was thinking about...and looking for...Danielle Hebert. Danielle attended the Sturgis Rally two years ago and had some interesting observations re. public nudity and sex.

Did, however, stop in the town of WALL.

Having driven I-90 often during the past 60 or so years, have always stopped in WALL to buy an ice cream from the WALL DRUG STORE.

Today, I opted for a large chocolate milk shake...easier and safer to consume while driving.

Main Street, Wall, South Dakota.

Restaurant inside WALL DRUG STORE, which has not changed from my first visit.

Please say HELLO to this biker (motorcycle) from Indiana...on his way to Sturgis after a quick stop over in WALL.

Stopped at six motels along I-90, but every one was fully booked...because of Sturgis.
I finally found a room in a small motel in the town of White Lake, South Dakota. So fortunate am be offered the "apartment" ...a truly fully furnished three room apartment, including food - which I have not touched -.

Special Note Re Danielle Hebert: I have mentioned Danielle on this blog a number of times during the past two years. Danielle is touring North America on her motorcycle, writing music and performing wherever a venue presents itself. During the past two days I have had a strong and unsettling feeling about the degree that I carefully looked at bikers as they passed us on I-90.

Have received Danielle's e-message this evening that - unknown to me - she has been granted entry back into the USA and yesterday was riding south from Helena, Montana by way of Butte, Montana on I-90 / I-15. It appears that Danielle was in fact at or near Sheridan, Wyoming within the past 24 hours...I over-nighted last night in Sheridan, Wyoming.

In the morning, will continue East on I-90 toward DeKalb, Illinois...and on to OBX.

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