Monday, March 11, 2013


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We finally found ourselves on the road before the Sun rose in the East.

The restaurant across Highway 17 was closed...NOT OPEN MONDAY !

So, walked the entire morning withing to eat...sure missed Tonya's bread and cold cuts which we forgot when leaving the church last evening.

Sorry Tonya...was very thoughtful of you.

Fields seemed to be steaming as moisture rose from the earth as the rising Sun warmed things up...just before Sun-up.

STERN River...about 1/2 mile north of the motel on US 17.

The first bovine to be seen on this trans-continental stroll.  This steer had a couple dozen buddies...all staring at SAM & ME.  Yes, I stopped to chat with some of them...chatting captivates their attention.

A local Methodist Church...on US 17 as we drew near New Bern.

1950s vintage PONTIAC Station Wagon...parked in the hotel lot.

SAM & ME walked about 20 miles this morning to the North end of the small city of New Bern, North Carolina.  Today, the wind was again in our faces...out of the North East at about 10 mph.  Started out clear, cold, and sunny.  Arriving in New Bern, I was gratefully still with energy...having walked some 4 hours without stopping to rest.  SAM performed just fine.

Clouds began moving in from the South-South West.  Stopped to enquire about motels on US 17 north of New Bern.  A trucker offered his GPS to search, finding that there is not a single motel until reaching the city of WASHINGTON, some 44 miles away. 

Knowing we could not reach Washington before dark today, decided to take the local MARRIOTT motel for the night ($105.00/night...clerk called 4 other hotels in town...all were more expensive except one which was $102.00)

Took the opportunity to completely unload SAM, emptying every single bag.  Carefully evaluated need for taking along all things aboard, and finally left the bathroom sink stacked high with clothes, tools, electrical parts...some quite new and costly.  Have now repacked SAM, who is considerably less heavy.  Arriving at Karen and Craig's, will remove the solar panels, which will take off another 50 or so pounds.

Hopefully I will be able to maneuver SAM up and down the 8% - 5 mile long hills crossing the West Virginia Allegheny Mountains in a couple weeks from now.

Tomorrow is forecast for 90 % chance of rain, wind from the South west (behind our back, thank goodness).  Washington being 44 miles away, we will start before sun rise, and try our best to reach a motel in Washington.  I am still a bit weak - usually takes a good month to return to top walking condition...and been on the road only 4 days, so cannot expect too much in the way of success for tomorrow.

Will probably set up our tent some 15 or so miles short of Washington.

Took the opportunity this afternoon to hand wash some really icky dirty things.  Also enjoyed a very nice buffet in the restaurant next door.  Without the kindness and help from A.Christie and family and Tonya the Scott, would not be able to enjoy the Marriott Hotel this evening.

Thank you again.

Is now 8:40pm EDT...SAM is packed ready to roll...I am ready to go count  cloud hopping angles.

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