Tuesday, March 12, 2013


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After gleening an  armload of SAM's stuff, reduced weight considerably...so much so, that today, pushed SAM most of the day...in  a POUNDING RAIN...with one hand only. 

We started out at 7:30am...still dark because of the rain storm passing overhead.

Guiding SAM on much of US 17 was very difficult...with the roadway running one-inch deep in rain...and lots of traffic - including many 18-wheelers - and very narrow berm.  One Sheriff stopped by in response to a complaint that SAM & ME were walking in the middle of the highway...of course, we do not, but the Sheriff and I got a good chuckle before he sent us on our way.

Passed through two or three small villages on our way to the town of WASHINGTON , some 35 miles distant... our objective for the day.

Wore my full rain gear, including Gaiters and new "waterproof" shoes.  It rained so hard that when the Sun broke out about 1:00pm, every stitch of clothing - including my "waterproof" shoes were soaked thru and thru. 

Need a bit of reconsideration regarding walking in heavy downpour.

No, we did NOT reach Washington.  We stopped for the night about 10 miles short...meaning we walked and rolled a good 25 miles.  Was tired and sore - including chafed nearly bloody on the thighs from the rain gear rubbing.

A swamp we passed by.

Same swamp, however, on the opposite side of the road.

Always stop for a chat with curious animals.

Please say HELLO to JUANITA RAMOS (r.) and JUANNY CARRILLO, where we stopped for a bite of delicious lunch.

Both ladies are from Mexico...as were many of the clients who dropped in...and I left forgetting to leave a tip.

Local Mail Box Art.

Motel where SAM & ME are staying tonight.

Please say HELLO to KAREN, GARY, and DIAMOND - in Karen's arms.

Karen and Gary are my hosts for toight. 

I first telephoned...was directed to a not-so-small store next to the motel.  Asked if a room was available...YES...do you have ID...Yes...OK, your room is No. 2.  What is the cost, please:  For you, there is no cost.

...and we have dinner ready...are you hungry...Yes, but...

Serving a bowl of Chicken Soup - 2-inch chunks of white meat chicken in delicious broth...and you cannot pay for dinner either.

For the next hour +, Karen and Gary Garris sat with me as I enjoyed my dinner.  On a large sheet of paper, I made copious notes, ending by excusing myself to go to my room...but not before Karen asked for my room key back...then disappearing.

Karen returned in 10 miunutes or so, saying the heat is on, as is the TV.  There is lots of hot water for your bath and plenty of room for SAM inside.  Need anything more, here is our personal home phone.

In reply to Karen's comment that she has been waiting for me to come along...as she has tons of questions and wants my advice, I agreed that I will hang around another day.

I could, at this moment, write MUCH about this couple who recently celebrated their 38th anniversary, he supporting her 4th level throat cancer...and she supporting his heart problems...and who, together, have mamouth plans to expand their newest challenge...which we will get to on tomorros's blog.


  1. Wow! Karen and Gary sound like a very special couple. So glad they are taking such good care of you after what seems to have been a very challenging day. I hope you have a nice visit.

  2. So glad to hear you are safe and dry tonight. My family and I have been checking your updates every evening. My husband left today and asked me to keep him updated on your journey and well being. It was such a joy to meet you and spend time with you. Thank you
