Monday, April 22, 2013


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It is now 12:00 noon, Monday, Aporil 22, 2013. 

Decisions were made yesterday, based upon examination(s) at the Bedford Memorial Hospital ER Staff.  It has been determined that once again, we are afflicted by significant loss of Red Blood Cells (Hemoglobin), resulting is unacceptable level of ANEMIA.

We went through this condition 2 years ago, resulting in a 1-month layoff from walking, during which time, our body recovered nicely, allowing us to continue our walk.

Not immediately life threatening, continued loss of Hemoglobin can lead to serious illness and potentially death.  So, it has been decided that the walk and roll of SAM and ME will be immediately terminated...with full expectation of recovery and return to the roadways.

Chuck and sister Donna have once again taken me in, opening their home to SAM and ME.  SAM is destined to remain with Chuck for the near future...while I will return to Bellingham tomorrow for recovery in familiar surroundings and long-time medical facilities. 

I sincerely apologize to all for our failure to continue at this time. 

Appears my self-analysis posted a couple days ago is quite close to the confirmed condition found yesterday in ER.  Further tests in B'ham will dictate how we proceed.

My greatest thank-you to those who have pressed the DONATE button.  Your contributions have been received, are treasured, and will be used to help me through this momentary set back.

I will continue to update this blog as we go forward.  I have "miles" for three more cross-country flights, so never fear that SAM and ME will soon be back out there dodging 18-wheelers and meeting new fantastic friends.


  1. Glad that you will be going back to WA for recovery - it's always good to be home! And you did not fail. You are such an inspiration to many!! Feel better soon, and please keep us updated as to your recovery! ~ Aimee

  2. Sorry to hear that you have to suspend this walk. I look forward to hearing what's next, whether it's a walk or not. You touched a lot of lives here in this tiny town, Bruce. If that's any indication of the lives you touch elsewhere, you must touch a lot of lives. We shoulda' given you liver and raisins instead of grits and ham sandwiches. Wishing you hope, health, happiness and hemoglobin.
