Tuesday, April 23, 2013


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We had a musical night last night. 

But before that, Chuck fetched me from the Hospital ER where I received a good going-over...Verdict:  Very Anemic...body has lost 1/4 of it's red blood cells (Hemoglobin)...no wonder I have been crawling along Virginia highways the last week or so.

i.e., NO WALKING until all returns to normal...requiring more tests and probably a month lay-off.  After discussions, decided such a program would be best performed back in Bellingham...so, today became a travel day.

Donna treated me (and her brother Chuck, and father Raymond, to dinner at RUBY TUESDAYS...(thank you)...then back to my newest "2nd" home for an evening of piano by Donna...and would you believe, a few notes from my Piccolo and then a 1944 rendition of the Blue Danube Waltz by yours truly on Donna's piano...gosh, remembered it after all these years.

This morning, Chuck drove me to the Roanoke Airport, where I caught my flight to Seattle via Atlanta...all smooth as Jennifer's whipped potato...arriving in Seattle early...rushed to the Airporter Bus desk, jumping on the Bellingham bound bus as it was backing away from the parking spot. 

Excellent conversation in the Atlanta Airport (2 hour between flights), on the DELTA 757-200 jet to Seattle - the Stewardess was from Washington State...living in places of my years of youth...and on the Airporter Bus...seems everyone wanted to chat...or maybe it was me who talked everyone's leg off.

Pulling out of SEA-TAC (Seattle-Tacoma Airport) on the bus, the full Moon rose in the East to sit on top of Mount Rainer - our local Volcano -  on one of the most clear days I remember in the Pacific North West...and potentially most exotic photograph ever...and I missed it !

Arriving in Bellingham, decided to walk to my apartment - about 2.5 miles distant...picking up a PIZZA at the local supermarket...which I am now chomping down the final slice...accompanied by my third glass of CABERNET SAUVIGNON wine.

Life is really difficult for old men on the run (walk).

SAM is waiting, ready to roll, back at Donna and Chuck's in Roanoke.

Anticipate 3 - 4 weeks to find the cause of my Anemic condition...and perhaps another couple weeks to take corrective measures.  In any event, will see this through to return to full health and strength...then, return to Virginia so SAM and ME can complete our interrupted walk to the Peace Arch at the USA/CANADIAN border crossing, Blaine, Washington.

In the mean time, tonight I sleep in my own bed...well, the bed gifted to me by Karen Estey (thank you, again)...just love the pillowed mattress!

Now after 10:00pm PDT...am off to listen to my pillows...all four (4) of 'em.

...naturally, my camera was packed in my carry-on.

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