Friday, May 3, 2013


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After yesterday's very long challenging walk, meeting many new friends, and enjoying a simply fabulous day (weather) in Bellingham, today was a mostly take it easy day.

Did walk a few miles to the local Bellis Fair Mall and back, enjoying the local Buffet ($7.89 for Seniors), shopping for a special walking shirt and light weight quick dry walking pants.  Did not find a suitable shirt.  Did not find a suitable pant, except for one pair at BIG 5 SPORTS costing $45.00...and I will not pay that much.

So, I will make do with my single pair walking pants and three walking shirts.

Returning home, stopped in at the local Shop Rite Pharmacy to pick up my heart medication...only to discover that my Cardiologist REFUSED to renew my prescription.  Calling the Cardiologist office, was told I must first schedule an appointment for a check up - last checkup was in 2009.  Last Fall, I did check in with my Cardiologist, who then also refused to see me...saying..."..after 18 years and your still alive...just keep doing what your are doing." ...I took that as his message that he no longer wanted to see me.

The first current appointment is not for another two weeks...and I have no $$ available to cool my heels in Bellingham, waiting for the "system" to do it's work to fit me in.

Bottom line:  I return to Bedford (Chuck reminded me they live in Bedford, not Roanoke, Virginia) and walk 'til I drop...if that is ordained.  At this point in my life, I am so angry with the medical system, I could spit...I told the Cardiologist's Office to go to He_ _. 

In summation:

1.  My AARP Supplemental Insurance was terminated - without my knowledge - on December 31, 2012...reason:  the entire program (I was enrolled in) was deleted, and since I did not respond to the "mailing", I was dropped after many years as a member.  AARP knows all too well I am walking, not receiving any mail.  They do, however, have my telephone and e-mail information...but, ..."...that is not within our procedures...".

So, I no longer have Insurance beyond MEDICAID.  OH, JOY

2.  Since my Cardiologist has moved to another distant city...and since I was not offered an alternate "in-house" doctor...

So, I no longer have a Cardiologist...and no more medication.  OH, JOY !

3.  My Primary Doctor retired.  His prior organization was integrated with a much larger group, which advised I was terminated as a patient because I did not respond to mailing...they also are very aware of my "availability" "contact" situation, as above...but again, ..." not within our contact procedures"...this after more than 25 years as their patient.

So, I no longer have a Primary Doctor...a requirement to obtain "referrals" such as I attempted to get...the ONLY reason I recently returned to Bellingham after the Anemia situation in Virginia.

So, I must find a new Primary Doctor.  OH, JOY !

4.  I applied for acceptance in three other "Primary" groups, only to be told they were either not accepting new patients, or that there is a long "waiting list".

So, no immediate solution to replacing my retired Primary Doctor.  OH, JOY !

4.  Have applied for VA (Veterans Administration) medical coverage through the Seattle VA Hospital.  That application has been acknowledged, but will take some many weeks for processing.

My nephew will accept any VA mailings and somehow forward them to me.

In my experience, the Medical Institution is a humongous CASH COW...interest centered in the $$$ available to suck in.
Yes, I am angry. 

...but, not an overt anger...not my style !

Have discovered a new BUS SERVICE...a subsidiary of GREYHOUND BUS.  It currently has been in operation in the Northeast for a few years.  Last year it was placed in operation between VANCOUVER, B.C., BELLINGHAM, SEATTLE, AND PORTLAND, OREGON. 

It is a scheduled a fraction of the $$ charged by the current AIRPORTER service.  Tomorrow, I plan to make a "test run", taking the new BOLT BUS from Bellingham to Seattle...then the LIGHT RAIL from Seattle to SEATAC airport....and, of course, back to Bellingham by tomorrow evening.  If the connections are acceptable, should save significant $$ over the current AIRPORTER service of $32.50 one way Bellingham - SEATAC.

Will try to make a small diversion in Seattle to obtain some photographs for the blog.

Haave not decided on a date to return to Roanoke, but all the ducks are lined up.

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