Sunday, May 5, 2013


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The good weather continues...and looks to celebrate Summer for a few more days...

Yesterday, took a walk to the barbershop where I got my ears lowered... and Fred Meyer's, where I found and purchased a new walking shirt.  Bought 1/2 gallon ice cream (Neapolitan) as a treat...and it is nearly gone already.  As kids back in the 1940s, we lived near a dairy creamery, where a gallon of ice cream cost $1.00.  The rule was:  only one gallon in the freezer at a time.  We 5 - two brothers & two sisters - brought home a new gallon every other day. 

... in the event one wondered what a fire hydrant looks like in action.

Mount Baker Volcano peeps over the top of the Cascade Mountain foothills.

We have five volcanoes in Washington State...our Mt. Baker lets off steam from time to time.

First lawn sprinkler of the season.

Mt. Baker Highway early on a Sunday (today) 6:30 am.

Bellingham owns the last major undeveloped deep water seaport on the West Coast of the United States...undeveloped as yet because of the recent "gift" by Georgia Pacific of the old paper mill property.  There is a major push to create a Coal Transfer Facility to ship coal to China...which has become somewhat controversial.  Personally, I would prefer to create a major Cruise Ship Terminal...and make Bellingham a "people port".

The "Hill" in the center distance is today's objective...; I call it the "Y Road Hill" because Y Road lies on the far side, about 8 miles away.  My 16 - 20 mile walking route is from Interstate 5 (I-5) to the far side of Y Hill which I circumnavigate, returning to town on North Shore Road bordering Lake Whatcom.  A picturesque walk with many challenging hills...and an excellent restaurant, The FORK, about 2.5 hours walk from my apartment.

Portion of the Y Road...a little travelled twisting hilly route through the Cascade foothills.

WHITE Barn...

BROWN Barn...

Lake Whatcom is about 300 feet deep and is fed cold clear mountain water from  diversion of part of the South Fork of the Nooksack River.

Y Road

Please say HELLO to WADE and THEREASA.  The FORK was quite busy this morning when I arrived, so I joined Wade and Thereasa at the "bar" for breakfast.  Both being bikers (pedal) and runners, we had lots to chat about.

I ordered eggs over pulled pork, baked onion (whole onion - halved), diced potatoes, and biscuit...also served is the beaker of East North Carolina BBQ Sauce...heavy on the vinegar...

Please say HELLO to KYLE and SHYANNE...pronounced as in CHEYENNE, WYOMING.

About the moment Wade and Thereasa were saying "goodbye", Kyle and Shyanne joined me at the bar...continuing my diversion from eating breakfast...which was still pretty much untouched until Kyle and Shyanne also finished their breakfast and said "goodbye". 

Shyanne is a "Local" girl, from the now famous Olympic Mountains town of FORKS...put on the World Map by the popular book(s) / movie(s) TWILIGHT.

Kyle and Shyanne, I discovered, live a stone throw from my apartment...perhaps we will get together when I return from Roanoke, Virginia in late July.

Tomorrow we do the rather public TV-like interview at the PARKWAY CHATEAU.  On Wednesday, I leave Bellingham by Bus, travelling to Seattle, where I will spend a few hours walking and photographing...before taking the new Light Rail System to SEA-TAC Airport for my 11:00 pm flight (red-eye-special), arriving in Roanoke, Virginia Thursday about noon...where Chuck will meet me.

Plan to stay with (Brother/Sister) Chuck and Donna - and "Father" 97-year old Raymond for two continue SAM & ME's walk on Saturday morning.

...and so, the saga continues...this time with a bit of $$ help from kind folks who used the above DONATE button in the past few weeks...thank you !

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