Monday, May 6, 2013


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This morning was a lazy morning...sleep the washing...take another nap...then walk over to see the final moments of a massive apartment house fire next door...thank goodness, no one was injured.

This afternoon enjoyed a 1.5 hour dialog at the PARKWAY CHATEAU with the senior residents...all seemed to go well, as no one left early...and a number of folks came forward to chat afterward.  Rachelle, my hostess, seemed pleased with my presentation and the apparent interest in what one of their peers was up to out on the backroads of America.

Bellingham - Fairhaven over-the-bay walkway...looking across Fairhaven anchorage to distant LUMMI and ORCAS Islands.

Please say HELLO to RACHELLE (again) and Hubby ETHAN.  We enjoyed a pleasant seafood dinner together at one of the many fine restaurants overlooking Bellingham/Fairhaven Bay...chatting until the Sun slipped behind VANCOUVER ISLAND into the distant Pacific Ocean.

This photo could be one of a number of famous vacation paradises...

but, it is in fact Bellingham Bay...truly, one of the most desirable small cities in the World.

1 comment:

  1. It was very nice to meet you today Bruce. Great company over a great meal with a wonderful view! The essence of a good life. Looking forward to watching your continued journeys. Much success to you and your cause.
