Sunday, August 11, 2013


SUNDAY...SAM AND ME are once again on the road, bound for The PEACE ARCH at the USA / CANADA border crossing, BLAINE, WASHINGTON.

Please say HELLO to SHELL and MARIE-MERCED, owners of the OASIS Motel.

 Please say HELLO to KIRSTIN and "temp" employers at the COMMAND CENTER.

After considerable analysis and research by half dozen local folks, DICKINSON cost of living wipes out all 'temp" $$ income...I.e., a permanent position with considerable more $$ income is required to justify staying in DICKINSON.

Suggested that since I AM TOLD BY Management that MY WORK ethics produce the results of two 30-year olds, simplying me double would solve the $$ problem; THAT thought resulted in looks of increduality.

Result:  SAM & ME are back on the SENIOR status still at the fore-front.

No, I do not feel well.  Yesterday, I intended we would walk and roll the 30 miles to MEDORA, N.D....actually, after a two week lay0ff, I struggled to reach BELFIELD...only 20 miles distant.  I expect having my LUNGES filled with Construction Area DUST has something to do with that.

Today SAM & ME will attempt to reach MEDORA...tomorrow, to reach the town of BEACH, N.D.; Tueesday we should cross into MONTANA.

Marion and Kirston, my Tremo employers were not pleased to see us Go.  I, too, hoped for better results.  SAM & ME did, however enjoy a full evening with SHELL and MARIE-MERCED, owners of. the excellent OASIS Motel. (thank you)...great salad...good wine...great conversation to past midnight...also perhaps contributing to my tiredness walking yesterday.

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