Sunday, August 11, 2013


Taking it easy today, SAM AND ME arrived in the vacation town of MEDORA, N.D. without difficulty.

Am having some difficulty managing the CAMERA of the new DROID, but hope to work that out soon.  Images upload to GOOGLE,but not (yet) to FACEBOOK.

We have a BLUETOOTH Keyboard, which makes typing easier for my fat fingers, but takes a bit of learning to use it properly.

MEDORA is situated in a small valley surrounded be cliffs...and is also the Southern Entrance for the THEODORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK...a spectacular "Canyon" of "Painted Hills" to rival...if not surpass other National Parks in pure beauty.  The Park is VERY LARGE...taking many hours to drive through it.  YTherefore, I cannot begin to walk it.  Last year, I did drive SPIA (motor home) into a portion of the park, including many ophotographs in that blog (about May 01, 2012)

Arriving this afternoon, I walked into the parking lot of the first Motel.  A lady walked up to me...May I help ??...Looking for the office to find a room for ththe interim, must be very careful not to re-injure something again.ight, as I am pooped from walking many hours...

this led to a short conversation...Come with me, says She.  I follow her to the office, where Linda ....... hands the Reservations Clerk her Credit the Clerk hands a key to me...

Linda has just gifted to me a $150.00, a total stranger.  Linda says she and her hubby are traveling to GLACIER NATIONAL PARD in early September...the same time SAM AND ME should be arriving in EAST likely, we will meet once again.

I photographed Linda, but cannot now find the image to upload of my Camera problems yet to be worked out.

It is now 7:00 pm.  Look forward to a good night sleep as we will attempt to walk and roll tomorrow to the small village of BEACH, N.D., about 25 miles distant.

It will take at least one more week before my body is back to full strength.  In the meantime must be careful to avoid more injury.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,

    Great to hear you are out and about, enjoying that beautiful scenery. Hope you get back to 100% real soon. Good luck on your walk today.
