Saturday, August 17, 2013


SAM, after two years on the road, is back in Bellingham...sitting in fact at my elbow in the apartment living room...waiting for me to decide what to do next.

We arrived in Bellingham at midnight yesterday, August 16; as we walked thru the night, a taxi pulled up, offering us a thing we have discovered about America these past 3.5 years, is that there is a sincere desire by EVERYONE to help one another.

Hundreds upon hundreds have welcomed SAM AND ME into their lives...into their homes...and as I have so often said, ..."not a bad one in the bunch".

In WIBAUX, Montana, Patricia, who has recently embraced ISLAM, took SAM AND ME under her wing, driving us to the town of GLENDIVE, Montana, where she had already arranged our passage on the bus to Bellingham.

Bus is an uncomfortable way to travel long distances.  Drivers are a bit careless about their passengers...especially ignoring the need for passengers to find and seat safely seat themselves.  I personallywas thrown around ... and have often witnessed young Mothers holding babies and LUGGAGE also thrown off their feet as the driver turns off the inside lights and indifferently drives the bus out of the parking area, across rough roadways...not even looking that everyone is safely seated...

OK, perhaps a few might be a bit more considerate.

It is bittersweet to be back in my apartment...out of stormy weather...warm dry roof overhead...

as some are suggesting...perhaps it is time to quit the walking...give the old body a rest.  Perhaps I should, but how I would miss all those still out there to be met, become part of our adventure.  I know what is inside the apartment; I also now know what awaits outside.  What better way to live old age than to learn more...find new friends...

My leg will soon heal.  Injury was allowed because I became careless.

I am eager to once again be on the road.  In fact, I am considerring becoming "homeless" by that would be a true experience...blogging all the way.

We shall see ...

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