Monday, August 19, 2013


SAM is finally unloaded, all dirty clothing washed, folded, and put away.  Not much room in the apartment for SAM, but have used the past couple days checking out SAM's integrity---replacing many fasteners that had worked loose...also redesigning SAM's "kitchen"...the entire rear portion of SAM is reserved for "Bambi" bottles (BAMBI bottles = drinking water bottles frozen solid---just like BAMBI saw in the frozen lake), Bambi bottles kept frozen packed into IGLOO thermal zipper bags together with sandwiches and other items needing "REFRIGERATION"... The kitchen also has space for fresh fruit, yogurt, and other items needing to be kept cold.  The entire "cold" shelf is surrounded by a large thermal blanket bag...then wrapped in micro-fibre blanket.  Under SAM's push handles is another platform holds two thermo thermos bottles of 1 gallon each...filled to the brim with solid ice cubes.  As the ice melts, they are mixed with juices and / or used for drinking water.  Have discovered Bambi bottles stay frozen up to 36 hours - even in near 100 f. heat.

My left leg injury is coming along nicely, with NO pain.  It is, however, sensitive to pressure and needs more time to heal fully.

Today, Monday August 19, I have checked in with the COMMAND CENTER of Bellingham.  The COMMAND CENTER is the National organization - with offices in many USA town's and cities - which offer day to day employment.  I was employed in DICKINSON ND by the COMMAND CENTER, and can be instantly given daily work in ANY of those offices nation wide.  Have today been offered four potential "day" jobs here in Bellingham; I expect to report for work tomorrow evening to work the night shift processing FISH next to where a few short time ago, I sailed my yacht into the beautiful San Juan Islands...

Oh My, how things do change.

While walking recently, my U.S. Air Force Honorable Discharge Papers have arrived.  I will now enroll with the Veterans Administration Medical Services...needed because ALL my "Civilian" medical doctors AND AARP Supplemental medical services have DROPPED me from my civilian medical affiliations.  It is my conviction that this has happened because of my limited income (Social Security) does not produce enough $$ income for me to pay the "co-Payments" associated with MEDICARE...making me a poor risk to continue as a money-producing patient. more consideration for those of us advancing age with little or no spendable income...

I.e., my need to find and hold employment.

It might be rightly asked..."...why did you not save for your retirement...?...many are finding themselves in similar many ways to screw it up as there are screwed up old timers.

In ANY event, I have my health; I have have my functioning mind; I have a great desire to become solvent...solvent enough to keep my "home - such as it is...and I have my objective to continue - SAM AND ME - walking and blogging.

Now 4:45 pm...time for a RUM and COKE to chase my NEAOPOLITAN Ice Cream Sundae before settling down to listen to the Seattle Mariners play Oakland Athletics...

...and,how 'bout them Seattle SEAHAWKS NFL team...40 - 10 win over Denver...

Seattle is bursting with Pro Baseball / football fever...


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