Thursday, January 23, 2014

POST 1221; JANUARY 23, 2014; LONGBEACH, WASHINGTON - Narrative Added 01/24/14

There are many images in today's blog which I do not have time to narrate.  The Visitor Center for the town of LONGBEACH, Washington, has kindly allowed me to use their office for my computer work...however, they go home in 20 minutes...i.e., my time limit...

Much of the Pacific Ocean shoreline of the State of Washington is MUD.  In this mud are grown and harvested magnificent industry of OYSTERS.

Today, I received an in-depth tour of a modern Oyster Company...of which many photographs follow...will narrate further tomorrow about them.

Ultra modern Oyster Processing Facility next to US 101, some 20 miles from the previous town we visited:  SOUTH BEND.

Please say HELLO to AMANDA, who was kind enough to take me on a tour of the entire factory.

Normally employing 70, this is the "slow" season.  Only 30 or so are currently at work.

Most of the employees are local residents; i.e., American Indians.  The above "shuckers" work on the "piece" basis; i.e., they earn $7.00 for filling one of the gallon pans pictured above.  To earn well, one must shuck a single oyster in mere seconds...not a job for the lazy.

One of two (2) Shucking lines.

Amanda is standing beside the "seeding" tank.  Oyster seeds are put into this large vat...empty oyster shells are added...salt water is constantly two months, the "seeds" attach to the shells, which are then "planted" along the MUD shoreline of the company property.  First harvest is in about one year.  In five years, a oyster shell will grow to 8 - 10 inches.

Orders are received from around the world...many "custom" orders, which the company is pleased to fill.  The above image are 8 oz and 16 oz containers. 

The sac of 10 inch oysters FERNANDO is holding contains one dozen 6-year old oysters...sold at the price of $8.00 per dozen.

Please say HELLO to FERNANDO, who says the song was named after him (teasing !)

Oysters are sold already shucked...or still alive in the shell.  To determine that the shell actually contains a live oyster, the worker "taps" the shells together...a "drum" sound is discarded as "empty" of a live animal.

Some Restaurants order oysters in already opened shell..using a high pressure chamber of 41,000 psi...then a blue seal is applied to hold the shell closed.  This process furnishes "oysters in the shell" without the client having to open din din using a oyster shucking knife.

Steamer Clams...

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OK, it is "morning" with Mc Donalds kindly allowing me to continue this effort....

The Steamer Clams pictured above are NOT local clams.   They are purchased from companies located in California...received by sacs of one (1) pound, repackaged for retail and shipped to clients around the world.

Amanda tells me that there are many ways to prepare oysters and clams...her favorite being BBQ'd in the shell.  I, too, have experienced and enjoyed BBQ'd clams and oysters...YUM !

OK...Visitor Center is I must stop for this evening.  The next images are of our second walk of the day...some 16 miles to just short of LONGBEACH, located on the Pacific Ocean...where I will stay for the night, safely parked at the Visitor Center.

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While US 101 parallels the Pacific Coast, it sometimes remains inland for some distance.  Reappearance of shoreline offers thrilling moments of that first glimpse of the ocean once again.

This photo was much better in real view.  It is of an expanse of recently forested trees...then replanted by hand.  The new growth is probably under 10 years old and was quite picturesque walking along US 101.

Atop the distant hill, a large FIRE is burning.  It appears the area has been recently harvested of it's trees.  The tree limbs and "drops", are sometimes just left in place for eventual disintegration into new soil.  Sometimes, as in the above image, huge bulldozers push the limbs, etc. into large piles, whereupon they, on a drizzly day are set on fire, creating instant fertilizer for the new trees.

Never tire of the near constant Pacific Northwest "Liquid Sunshine"...a fine misting rain, soaking the ground, but never really getting walkers wet.

An interesting panoramic photograph of US 101 coming to a "T" near LONGBEACH, Washington...just beyond the distant hill.  The "T" begin s Washington  Highway 4, which parallels the Columbia River nearly to the border of Idaho.  The Columbia River is about 15 miles a bit left of the intersection in the foreground.

Tomorrow (January 24), we shall cross the Columbia River on the ASTORIA River Bridge.  In Astoria, are "information" cards depicting the importance of our LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, which will from now on, be a permanent subject of my narration of this blog.  It is - to me - a travesty that our Lymphatic System has, by our society and government, been treated with secrecy of the MANHATTAN PROJECT of World War II.

If I can succeed in my effort(s) to promote AWARENESS OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM on this, my final walk through life, I, and others too, will be greatly rewarded.  Our LYMPHATIC SYSTEM is, after all, our very own FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH...fully contained within the body of each of us...fully under our individual control...and costs us not one cent...imagine:  Our own FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH...

Met six ( )6 Blue Heron  (Large Wading Bird) today, two of which were fishing in this stream as I walked up.  Looking closely, one Blue Heron can be seen standing on the opposite bank waters edge.

Beyond the distant hill lies the Pacific Ocean...and today's destination: LONGBEACH, Washington.

Crossing the Bridge.

LONGBEACH Visitor Center, who instantly recognized me as I walked in...recognition from my walk through this village 2.5 years ago on my previous circumnavigation of America.  Nice to re remembered...Thank you...and thank you, Barbara, for allowing me to park overnight.

From the far north reaches of Canada all the way to San Francisco Bay, California, one could correctly call the Pacific Ocean Coastline a RAIN FOREST.  Rain Forest climate produced continual moss.  A vehicle left parked unattended for one season will be fully coated with moss.  The above image is of a local LONGBEACH businessman cleaning the metal side of his building with high pressure water to remove the moss.

Prominent on Main Street of LONGVIEW is the SHELBURNE Hotel.  Offering museum quality interior decor together with PUB and Restaurant facilities equally in period decor, the SHELBURNE Hotel is actually and B&B (Bed and Breakfast), as breakfast is taken by residents from the regular breakfast menus.

Each "Room" is also in period decor...some photographs fixed price of $149.00 or $179.00 per night, breakfast included.

Welcome to LONGBEACH, Washington...offering the LONGEST BEACH IN THE WORLD.

Please say HELLO to LARRY...a local resident, who happens to ride on the identical motorcycle I enjoyed for the past few years...South Korean HOYSUNG 650 cc.

Nite Nite, all.

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The Sun is peeking its rays over the distant hills to the East.  I will spend a bit of time walking through the village of LONGBEACH...then continue South on US 101, crossing the Columbia River in Oregon this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Nice report of your visit to the Oyster operation, enjoyed the pictures.
