Friday, January 24, 2014


Over 150 years ago, the US Army Officers LEWIS and CLARK set off from the Mid West to explore the MISSOURI RIVER West to the Pacific Ocean.  Today, I have reached the same destination as Lewis and Clark...the mouth of the Columbia River dividing the current states of Washington and Oregon.

With an abundance of seafood, one needed only walk the mud beaches to pick up shellfish for dinner or barter with the American Indians to purchase all the Salmon one could imagine.

The above image depicts homesteading women picking up oysters and clams in the years after Lewis and Clark completed their journey.

Sunset through the arch of LONGBEACH, Washington, the point most west reached by Lewis and Clark.

Please say HELLO to the owner of LOOSE CABOOSE, producer of the finest HALIBUT and CHIPS in all of the USA.  Located on Main Street (US 101) of LONGBEACH, the Loose Caboose is not to be missed.


Main drag of downtown LONGBEACH, Washington

Buillding mural of harvesting local fields of CRANBERRIES..

Not to be out done by Halibut and Chips, the over 100 year old business of COTTAGE BAKERY produces some of the finest cuisine arts of baking the finest delicacies available anywhere.

COTTAGE BAKERY is also located on US 101 in downtown LONGBEACH, Washington.

COASTAL INN and SUITES of LONGBEACH, Washington, where the finest of rooms are available for exceptional low rates...$59.00 / room Off Season; $79.00 / room high season (June 15 - September 20).

Please say HELLO to (Owner) JOSHUA BUCHLER and employee ALLISON CONVERSE.  Not available for a photo is KRISTIN, Joshua's partner (& wife).

They purchased the Coastal Inn 8 years ago and are already quite successful year round.

Building mural depicting new immigrants debarking a ship onto the sands of LONGBEACH, Washington.

Desperation Point...the end of land at the mouth of the Columbia River at the Pacific Ocean.


The small harbor of the fishing village ILWACO, Washington.

Downtown ILWACO...where the recession has hit pretty hard...most stores closed and vacant.

Building mural of ILWACO in better days.

The fishing harbor of the fishing village of CHINOOK, Washington...about 5 miles upriver from ILWACO.

Lift Sling - used to hoist and launch small fishing boats at the harbor of CHINOOK.

Roadway Tunnel of US 101 at FORT COLUMBIA, Washington.

The COLUMBIA RIVER looking from the village of CHINOOK upriver to the ASTORIA Bridge, reaching across the tide flats to the Oregon side of the river.

"Click" to enlarge to read this historic message.

With the addition of a number of large Dams on the Columbia River, Ocean going merchant ships transport grain from near the Idaho border to countries the world over.  These ships pass under the bridge at the Oregon side of the river.

ASTORIA CHAMBER of COMMERCE did a good turn for me, acting as "post office" for my mail from Bellingham.

Please say HELLO to REGINA WILLKIE (l.) and SUZANNE CANNON, with whom I enjoyed enlightened conversation while visiting the CHAMBER of COMMERCE.

The Roadstead of the Columbia River, with one of the ocean going grain ships waiting at anchor for it's turn to travel hundreds of miles up the Columbia River to pick up a load of grain grown in the COLUMBIA BASIN from irrigation waters from the GRAND COULEE DAM.

Please say HELLO to PEGGY and DAVE STEVENS...owners of the RIVERSZEN Yoga + Ki-Hara Studio, where customers find the solution for their Aching Bodies.

I met Peggy 2.5 years ago while I was also walking this way.  Peggy invited me to visit her local ALPACA ranch.  I missed out on Dave, who was at the time in San Diego...where I missed him there, also.

Throughout the world, when a ship arrives in Port, a "PILOT" boat intercepts and actually steers the visiting vessel into the new harbor.  The above is a retired PILOT boat from the ASTORIA fleet which monitors arrivals into the COLUMBIA RIVER from the PACIFIC OCEAN.

Behind the camera is a ulta modern museum of the history of boating on the COLUMBIA RIVER.

A final look at the roadway of the COLUMBIA RIVER.  Careful scrutiny will reveal no less than six (6) huge grain ships at anchor, awaiting their turn to travel up the river to collect their cargo of grain.

Walking is not allowed on any of the river crossing bridges in or out of ASTORIA, Oregon.  Good thing I have the van, or I would have encountered a serious problem.  We are now parked in the village of WARRENTON, Oregon, some 4 miles across a "no walking" river crossing bridge.  Must find a place to park for the night, since I have now completed today's blog update.  Presently at DQ (Dairy Queen)...perhaps they will me to park in their "back lot".  Must be settled for the night before darkness sets in within the next half hour.

In the morning, walking resumes on US 101 south along the majestic coastline of the State of Oregon.

Hope all have enjoyed as pleasant  a day as I have.

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