Saturday, January 25, 2014


Tourists have come out from under their rocks...out of their hotel started out with a clear sky and at 1530 hours (3:30 pm), is shorts and tank top weather.  The beach at SEASIDE, OREGON, is festooned with sun worshipers and begging Seagulls.

This little fellow came begging to within two (2) feet of me...he even accepted my meager offering of a small piece of hard candy.  Some folks had dozens of birds all 'round them gobbling up fries and bread crumbs.

My parking place for the day is Mc Donalds.  From MD in SEASIDE, I walked back North on US 101, returning to Seaside some 4 hours later...then strolled the magnificent beach and crowded central downtown...both of which were thronged with on the the many restaurants for lunch downtown.

As found throughout the United States, ESPRESSO stands are also doing a thriving business in SEASIDE, Oregon.  This particular one "JAVA REEF" is without a doubt, one of the finest examples of TLC reaped on the design and special touches...all hand done by the Owners...see below:

The distant waves grace the edge of the PACIFIC OCEAN...stretching North and South for miles over clear sandy beach.

Fresh water creek slowly flowing to the PACIFIC OCEAN just a bit beyond the distant trees.

Another view of JAVA REEF...

Please say HELLO to GARY SHRODE and SHAUNA CHILINSKI, who have poured so much love into their ESPRESSO stand.  They are fortunate to have their - just as well appointed - home 30 feet away...both sitting along side US 101 and the meandering creek pictured above.

A unique home sited on the ocean side of US 101.

Welcome to SEASIDE, Oregon.

Bicycles for rent...$5.00 off for the next two months.  Tourist season starts early in SEASIDE.

Public access trail to the PACIFIC OCEAN beach.

A small crab shell...din din for the Seagulls.

Top rated Hotel / Resorts line the PACIFIC OCEAN beach.

The Trail of Lewis and Clark ended on this spot.

SEASIDE Main Street leading from US 101 to the PACIFIC OCEAN Beach.

Paralleling PACIFIC OCEAN Beach and US 101 is this pristine waterway...full, they say, of succulent DUNGEONESS CRAB...The bridge over the waterway attests to that claim by the large number of nylon lines leading into the the bottom of which are crab traps.

Please say HELLO to BETH and the entire Sunday School Bible Class...inviting me to firstly take a photo of the entire class using Beth's "SLR" camera...then to join them for this photograph for today's blog.

Reality has come once again.  SS $$ payday is now 8 days distant, apportioning $5.00 per day with current reserves.  I will therefore, slow to a snail pace for the next week...kinda hanging around SEASIDE...and perhaps slowly meandering to the next two or three US 101 villages gracing the shores of the PACIFIC OCEAN.

What better place to be homeless and pennyless than on the shore of the Oregon PACIFIC OCEAN of the finest ocean coasts in the entire world...and I assure all that I have personally visited many many of the other options...Oregon Coast has it hands down !

That means, of course, that content of our blog might suffer until we once again become sated and forge ahead.

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