Sunday, February 9, 2014


Over nighted at MIKE's place...rising before sunrise to get in a nice long walk before rain it turned out, rain held off all day, as did the wind.  all in all, a nice day for walking.

2,002 people populate WALDPORT which has a rather large bay...but there is no marina.  

A nicely designed bridge crosses the bay, which looks to have shallow water.

US 101 approach to the bridge.

Bridge in profile.  Does not look to have much clearance for any but boats with short masts...another indication of shallow waters.

WALDPORT is about three blocks long, but does have three restaurants, including a of my preferred watering holes...good food at reasonable prices; i.e., a 6 inch breakfast sandwich of ham, cheese, egg, and lettuce, pickle, and tomato ... with endless coffee to quench thirst...all for $3.00 (no Sales Tax in Oregon)

Main Street ; US 101, WALDPORT, Oregon.

Please say HELLO to at SUBWAY...and a good conversationalist.

Building MURAL...of native days of long ago.

A Lawyer's Office.

Split seasoned firewood for sale...trusting no one runs off with the trailer and all.

Walked some 12 miles this morning, so drove to YACHATS, parked, and walked another 14 miles before driving to the rather large city of FLORENCE, Oregon.  US 101 climbed and curved it's way through narrow - but beautiful roadway along Pacific Ocean cliff sides...drops hundreds of feet directly into the boiling sea surf against what appears to volcanic rock.

YACHATS is four blocks long...and is arguably among the most beautiful settings of the Oregon Coast.

This image is a serious pic,  Those curving lines on the water are the famous "RIP TIDE".  As ocean water moves into the bay (FLOOD TIDE), it meets river waters trying to flow out to sea.  The line in the water is where these two opposing waters meet...on an incoming FLOOD TIDE, that demarcation line will move deeper into the bay.  During an "EBB" tide, the line in the water will move slowly out of the bay, returning water to the ocean.

Fishermen like to fish in these RIP TIDES, as little fish tend to gather along the RIP LINE, where the bigger fish hunt them down for Din Din...making it easier for fishermen to catch the big guys.

A local Winter Bloom.

YACHATS River flowing into the ocean ... town of YACHATS sits on the cliff above the river bed.

Many residential homes perch directly on the cliff face overlooking the pounding Pacific Ocean Surf...must be exciting during intense winter storms.

...and, another bicyclist on a cross country trek. Click Click to enlarge the image.

One of the many famous - and breathtakingly beautiful Oregon Light Houses.

This image is taken from the famous SEA LION CAVES...located at the southern end of the local Coastal Mountain Range...also the starting place for the also famous Oregon Sand Dunes.  10 miles in the foggy distance lies our objective for today...the city of FLORENCE, Oregon, where I will stay the night in the parking lot of FRED MEYERS...well known Western United States Supermarket / CLOTHING STORE.

Start of the Sand Dunes.

* * * * * * * * * *

It is now 1800 hours (6:00 pm), and we have completed another day / Blog update.

In the morning, will walk back north on US 101, picking up the15 miles I drove this afternoon to arrive in FLORENCE before dark.  In the afternoon, will walk South for a few miles.

Will most likely stay at FRED MEYERS a second night tomorrow before moving SPIA-2.

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