Monday, February 10, 2014


From a distance yesterday, the Sand Dunes were shrouded in low hanging clouds...i.e., FOG.  As darkness fell, the fog intensified causing perilous driving conditions.  Then the rain started in earnest, lasting all night and, as of this moment - 1200 hours (12:00 pm), it is still pouring and bitter cold wind.

I walked some 4 hours this morning....and am so shivering from being drenched and cold, think I'll slip under the feathers in the car for the rest of the day...simply too frigid to venture out again today.

FRED MEYER, offering food and warmth...but feel guilty sitting inside.

Yesterday I posted an image of a Lighthouse...the name of that lighthouse is HECETA...

HECETA Lighthouse...about 15 miles north of FLORENCE, Oregon.  (Image from yesterday)

First of the Oregon Pacific Ocean Coastal Sand Dunes...beginning at FLORENCE.

Please say HELLO to AL.  AL was sitting in one of two vehicles stopped on the side of US 101 with flashers blinking.  I asked if I could He...just waiting for the Service Truck to come rescue her I chatted for a bit...took my mind off the pounding rain...which did not let up during my morning walk.  Hope all worked out, AL.

Roadside Convenience Store.

Please say HELLO to SUE.  SUE and RICH greeted me...the soaking wet "walker" when I stopped in at their Garden Center...thank you, SUE for the delicious (and steaming) cuppa coffee.

She would have chatted longer, but admitted she must get back to work...still had to inventory all those Palm Trees out back.

Please say HELLO to RICH...SUE's work partner.


US 101 in a constant wind blown down least it's not Snow.

Please say HELLO to CAMILLE... serving hot drinks on this cold wet morning at the local ESPRESSO Drive In

* * * * * * * * * *

Now 1315 hours (1:15 pm).  Time to Post this update and once again venture out...or snuggle under my quilts ...

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your walk I just stay in out of the snow and zero tempture
