Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Late yesterday evening, met Dr. JACK...a young man recently moved to FLORENCE, Oregon...

Please say HELLO to DR. JACK.  DR. J has begun to set up his new radio station to hit the air in November.  Being invited to be interviewed, Dr. J and I spent the early evening hours in his studio, creating input he plans to incorporate in his inaugural airing...wish you well, DR. JACK.

The FLORENCE bridge forming back drop to OLD town.

OLD TOWN in the distance...looking North from the bridge...which has two portions which pivot up allowing tall ships into the inner harbor.

Following images taken in Old Town.

US 101 leaves the ocean for the next 20 miles, returning again upon arriving at REEDSPORT, Oregon...where I plan to spend the night.

Art on MYRTLE WOOD...such wood found ONLY in Oregon and in the Middle East.

The DUNES are actually some miles to the West...the highway transiting inland through heavily forested hills.

The tiny town of GARDINER

The Art Gallery.

Art piece featured at the Gallery.

Please Click click to enlarge.

Two miles from GARDINER is the much larger town of REEDSPORT...where Mac D. has set up a table allowing today's blog update to be created.

I will park across US 101 for the night...in the morning continue walking South on our way to SAN DIEGO...some weeks distant.

* * * * * * * * * *

Upon arrivivg at GARDINER's Bar & Grill - THE FOX HOLE -, Owner PAM (No Photo, please), cautioned that The PINEAPPLE EXPRESS was to arrive before dark, bringing 2 - 3 inches of RAIN and + 60 MPH WINDS.  (PINEAPPLE EXPRESS = Storm originating near HAWAII...then traveling across the Pacific Ocean until reaching the West Coast of the United States ).

As I look out the window of Mac Donalds, The predicted storm from HAWAII has reached REEDSPORT...Cats and Dogs are falling with a purpose.  Will be dark in 30 minutes, so must get settled as I have NO lights inside SPIA-2

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