Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Much to my surprise, I was able to put my shoe on...difficult because the knee would bend so little this morning.

Was so pleased, I ventured a few blocks on foot, discovering the knee tendon, while sore, was functional enough to apply mind over matter...

...I find half the battle is:  mentally accept that one will succeed.

This sign is at the South end of town.  I dared walk to the river bridge and beyond back up the hill to the rather flat plateau leading toward the CALIFORNIA - OREGON border, some 8 miles distant.

Stopping in at McD's, was surprised to find - not a new-hire Teenager on hands and knees cleaning the legs of table and chairs...BUT, in her own words..."Hi, my name is HELEN.  "Have been employed for the past 24 years at this McDonald's...done every job including Manager...now, at 84, I work on MY own schedule and am happy to be around friends..."

Such a witty, YOUNG 84, and without a doubt, life of the party, HELEN is the ultimate in inspirations.

Please say HELLO to HELEN.

Walking America 5+ times, I have visited similar groups of Seniors present in hundreds of McDonald's nationwide...and indeed, across the world. 

For a while, I sat mesmerized eve - dropping to stories without end...stories being begged to be shared.

Yes, my wheels are turning !

My favorite Tire Store...LES SCHWAB...stretching from the Pacific Ocean to DENVER, Colorado...also my Cart, SAM's Tire outfitter !

Main Street (US 101) BROOKINGS, Oregon.

I was not the only traveler on foot in BROOKINGS this morning.

Please say HELLO to WOLFGANG and his master...yep, you guessed it.


A most carefully tended city garden...

Please say HELLO to FLORA...one of a number of garden volunteers.

Please say HELLO to WATSON...who assures me that...ask an Oregonian the name of THAT tree, he will answer FIR...as seven in ten Oregon trees are FIR.

Please say HELLO to DON...Reporter for the CURRY Coastal PILOT Newspaper, who sat through a most interesting  interview with Yours Truly.

* * * * * * * * * *

Shortly after noon, the clouds dropped to ground level...and now - 1600 hours - is again raining and blowing.  Have decided to remain one more night in BROOKINGS...hoping for clear skies and healed ligaments.  Options allowing, will walk tomorrow to CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA.

* * * * * * * * * *

My Friend, Ralph, yesterday cautioned me about "Facts" stated in prior Blogs on the subject of the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM.  Thank you, Ralph.  Have written, so far, that which this traveler has accumulated.  This afternoon, have searched BROOKINGS City Library with considerable success ferreting out "FACTS" which I am devouring.  A moritorium (sp?) is declared until I can satisfy even the most fastidious.   I am no less excited about my message...will pursue it with a bit more authority.

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