Monday, February 17, 2014


It seems that BROOKINGS will be host for the next three or four days.  Last night, I once again fell...this time INSIDE the back of the car while fetching a sandwich in the middle of the night.  With little or no room to move around, legs sissored beneath me, I tipped backward onto my back, stretching the knee ligament of the right leg.  Looks to be torn rather good.  Have walked on it for hours in today's rain around town...

Rain is supposed to continue for 4 more days...the same PINEAPPLE EXPRESS.  Not to risk further damage, will remain in BROOKINGS downing IBUPROFEN pain killers.

BROOKINGS is a three layer village; the old town and new business district high above the CHETCO River, which opens up directly to the waves breaking into the harbor entrance.

To the right, a JETTY diverts waves and wind from entering into the marina...and keeps aloft at least 100 seagulls riding motionless on the rising uplift drafts.

The entrance jetty...scary to enter in a big blow.

The CHETCO River looking into the harbor.

The Marina.

Please say HELLO to home in BROOKINGS by way of YOUGOSLAVIA, CRIMEA, EUROPE, ENGLAND, and the United States, who celebrated her 50th birthday yesterday.

* * * * * * * * * * *

With repeated injuries sustained since arriving in North Dakota last Summer. am beginning to question my carelessness while walking.  Well, last night's injury certainly was not while walking...more like being injured while crawling...but the result is much the same...6 weeks recovery if a "normal" injury.

...and I cannot conceive a 6-week healing process.

The IBUPROFEN pill has worn off at this hour of 1630 hours.  Fooled myself into thinking the pain was much less than it apparently is.  We shall  know tomorrow...if I can extricate myself from the "back bedroom" in the morning.  Since the back door will not open from the inside, must shinny the 8 inches between the two front seats just to get out...and won't go into details of how one - an old one - relieves one's self while trapped in the back.

Fixing the back door handle is high on my priority list.

Cutting back on before-bed liquid consumption is on that same list...either that or invest in another wide mouth Peanut Butter Jar.

* * * * * * * * * *

The LYMPHATIC SYSTEM:  does two basic critical bodily functions:

     1.  Controls liquid levels in ALL parts of the body.

     2.  PURIFIES the liquid passes through the LYMPHETIC SYSTEM, our IMMUNE SYSTEM White Blood Cells identify contaminants - including such as CANCER cells - and KILL them on the spot.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM - without OUR DAILY and CONTINUOUS help .- simply DOES NOT FUNCTION.   Our participation is REQUIRED 24/7...and is as necessary as BREATHING.

Furthermore, from my personal conversations across America, a small percentage -would you guess something less than ten percent -of us are even aware that each of us has such a system...let alone what the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM is...what it it works...and the fact that you...and only YOU... can make it function

or that it truly is your very own FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH,  guaranteed to keep your body healthy and YOUNG.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,
    Please, Take it from a 20 year sufferer of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, I would go easy on your "Facts" about the Lymphatic system. Don't be fooled by the so called "naturopaths" and other Quack medicos. IF.. you do wish to inform about the Lymph system, be sure you consult experts, Not those you find doing a GOOGLE search. The lymph system doesn't need "Pumping" it works just fine as nature intended it to do.
    Check the Facts, sir.
    ralph ahseln
