Saturday, February 15, 2014


PORT ORFORD was, last night, one of the most severe Wind and Rain events of this walk...

As the morning progressed, wind increased as did the rain.  Before returning to PORT ORFORD, There were moments I had to physically hang tightly to the Guard Rails to keep from being blown from the roadway.

Attempting to round the face of a cliff face hanging over the beach, I was physically blown backwards half way across the roadway.

Checking local residents, he estimated the wind to be 58 miles per hour.  I estimated it to be closer to gusts of 75 miles per hour...having been in more than a few Hurricanes.

In any event, I cut my walk short after four hours...warmed up with an excellent garden salad, a glass of Chardonnay...and a bit later, a yummy MOCCA. 

The storm is projected to continue another day or two, so drove to the much larger town of GOLD BEACH, some 26 miles South of PORT ORFORD.  If the weather continues so severe, I may remain in GOLD BEACH for the time being.

Early in the morning, walked North on US 101 out of PORT ORFORD...until I realized I must return back to PORT ORFORD against the rising wind and still drenching rain.  So, reversed course, returning to PORT ORFORD...and continued South into the teeth of the storm.   But first, stopped at the tiny ESPRESSO (indoor) shop of KURLEE, aptly named:  ONE LUMP OR TWO.


...a bit of style...CHESS with ESPRESSO...

Please say HELLO to KURLEE,...Owner of ONE LUMP...a world traveler...and professed POT user for much of his life.

KURLEE confided real business is done in the back room...and this wind is nothing yet...when 18 wheelers start toppling over from the wind...then we consider it to be a real blow.

Always, I have elected the Oregon Pacific Ocean Coast to be among the most spectacular in the world...and I have seen more than my share of them.

This portion of the Oregon Coast is, however, set above the rest in sheer beauty, treacherous, with such inclement weather, a challenge for any driver...hold the steering wheel tight, or risk being blown off the road.

It was rounding this curve that I was physically blown half across the roadway...and held fast to the Guard Rail.  It was nearly impossible to use the camera...from soaking rain and near Hurricane force winds .

Then, too, there is the small matter of erosion ...

The fog in the trees is actually falling rain...

* * * * * * * * * *

I have a few miles to make up...considering driving some distance through wild weather.  Have nearly 10,000 miles to go, so never mind a mile more or less here and there.

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