Saturday, March 1, 2014


Is now Saturday, March 01. 2014.  I am settled down with Dick and Shannon in their familiar cozy home snuggled up next to a delightful city park in the city of WALNUT CREEK, Califoria. 
Given my own room back, private bath, and solace found only in content tranquil surroundings.

Met Dick and Shannon some 14 years ago on a 120 day round-the-world cruise...we dined at the same table the entire cruise, and have remained in close contact.

It was raining yesterday, as I walked end to end (North to South and back again); destination AAA to gather up maps for the Southern USA which I will use walking for the next 4 months or so.

The raised roadway in the above image is "BART" rapid transit railroad.

The following images are of the streets and residents of Walnut Creek...followed by a few pics taken today as Dick toured me on a short walk through his neighborhood park.

Please say HELLO to JEAN and LEON with their Seeing-Eye-Trained dog WILLOW.  We all three had a interesting and fun chat as we walked through the park earlier today.

Please say HELLO to MELISSA KANGAS, General Manager of WALNUT CREEK (Michael Stead) CADILLAC.

I stepped in out of the rain to ask walking directions.  Was immediately taken into conversation with MELISSA, which conversation neither of us seemed inclined to cut short.

Please say HELLO to DICK MERRILL, With whom I have shared many miles and good times at his (and Shannon's) Walnut Creek, California home.

Dick and I are avid players of Cribbage...Dick is ahead of me over the years, but not by much.

Yes, I know, I need a haircut.

The distant mountain is revered Mount DIABLO...some 20 miles distant.

Please once again say HELLO to MELISSA...who is holding the camera while taking this photograph.

I am very much enjoying my time with Dick and Shannon.  On Monday, I plan to take the BART into San Francisco for the day, where I plan to walk extensively finding sights and memories  to share on this blog. 

I have visited SF numerous times, attended AIR FORCE Basic Training nearby, and was assigned many times to (now closed) HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, where I was a "stenographer" for the Offices of the Staff Judge Advocate.

Soon, LYMPHATIC SYSTEM will return.  Additional research has confirmed that which I have already written.  More exciting information is imminent.

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