Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Today, Tuesday, is my last day with Dick and Shannon in Walnut Creek.  Seems impossible time has gone so quickly.

Yesterday, I did travel to SAN FRANCISCO on the famous BART Bay Area Transportation System.

Sunday, I enjoyed attending church with Dick and Shannon...as well as a "surprise" 90th Birthday Party for their friend GLADYS.


Pastor FRED's Church in Walnut Creek, California.  Fred's wife also has her own church, so they rarely celebrate together on Sundays.

Please say HELLO to RACHEL HAKEL.  On the way to church, we picked RACHEL up at her home as she joined us for Sunday services.

RACHEL is 102 years old, lives alone and is a delightful lady.

Dick's garage at home....and his antique car to make one drool.

Shannon says these beautiful flowers I found in her front yard... are WEEDS.  Even weeds take on a certain status in Walnut Creek.

Please say HELLO to Birthday Girl, GLADYS (with Lei)...and friend GLADYS...Yes, two of them.

BART Railroad station....where I boarded the train for San Francisco, California.

Lady with her back to the camera is ELISHA...please say HELLO to ELISHA...who guided me through the mystery of boarding BART.


...on which there are NO "facilities".  Embarrassed to reveal Elisha that I had to get off the train en route to San Francisco to find a toilet!  The only station facility was "busy".  Holding myself and dancing in agony, the kindly POLICEMAN tapped me on the shoulder..."...the LADIES is empty...I'll stand guard".

As part of my HEART treatment, morning pills include a "drying-out" candy-coated gem over which I cannot change the every 15 minute trip to the head.  ..train or no train.

First glimpse of San Francisco upon exiting the underground at the Embarcadero.

Having been in San Francisco many times since my first visit in 1952, I decided to roam the Financial district a bit, grab a bite of Breakfast...then walk to FISHERMAN'S WHARF...which I did so skirting the International District, including the edge of China Town and Little Italy.

Looking back over the Embarcadero, the BAY BRIDGE floats over San Francisco Bay between "Frisco" and Oakland...which carries I-80 on it's first miles of some 3,000 miles to that other-bridge...the GEORGE WASHINGTON leading into NEW YORK CITY.

Looking into CHINA TOWN

SAN FRANCISCO architectural trade mark homes...

ALCATRAZ Island...a short boat ride from Fisherman's Wharf ( from next door, actually)

List of US Submarines which sailed and never returned from the Second World War.

FISHERMEN'S GROTTO NO. 9...historically, a tourist's early destination for THE SEAFOOD MEAL of Fisherman's Wharf...mine included...

Fishermen's Grotto No. 9...where I enjoyed my bread bowl Clam Chowder lunch.

DUNGENESS CRABS...featured crab of the Pacific Ocean Coast of North America.

Over the years, I have caught my share of these guys while enjoying my Yachts in the San Juan Islands, Washington State.

Fishermen's Wharf inside Marina.

GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE, San Francisco, California...

Photograph taken from the wharf of the San Francisco Maritime Museum

Mount TAM in the background.

KNOB HILL from the Maritime Museum Wharf

COLUMBUS Avenue Park.  On every Sunday, this park is filled is TI CHEE (sp?) experts....and has been so from the past 60 years ...as I personally confirm.

...and so, we are returned to Walnut Creek...

...just in time for Shannon;s delicious Turkey Breast Dinner before Dick's mezmerizing fireplace blaze with soft classical music in the background.

* * * * * * * * * *

Early tomorrow morning, I say once again, Good Bye to Dick and Shannon.  I will drive to the Santa Rosa Hospital for further tests and consultation.  If all is well, I will continue my interrupted walk of America.  I have a final decision to make to continue South on coast-wise California Highway 1...or to take the shorter - MUCH SAFER - valley route to BAKERSFIELD, California...

We Shall See...

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