Friday, March 7, 2014


Before we get to today's walk, a word about the Lab Tests at Santa Rosa Hospital.  


The Cardiologist, Dr. Thomas V.(No one could pronounce his last name), REFUSED to fulfill his commitment to evaluate my blood lab work...AND REFUSED (Two separate times ) to meet with me, Stating - according to his Nurse, ..."  HE HAS NO HEART PROBLEM..

Since there was no cooperation to have my lab work evaluated to assure no non-compatibility with the NEW medications the Hospital prescribed for me, I drove the 100 miles (a 200 mile round trip) back to Walnut Creek, telephoned both my Primary Doctor in Bellingham AND the MEDICARE headquarters to update them on developments...

...then, I departed Walnut Creek , resuming my walk...shared below:

Rain water drops on a one-inch about-to-bloom flower...

Please say HELLO to MARGARET STEELE.  Margret was a dinner table mate (one of 8 of us), who dined together during our 4-month around-the-world cruise back in 1999 - 2000...with New Year (Century) Celebrations in ARGENTINA.  MARGARET recently celebrated her 92nd beautiful lady...and yes, Margaret, I am a flirt....

DICK - ME - MARGARET - SHANNON  - enjoying yet another evening together some 14 years after our cruise.

The following pics come from the impressive larrge town of DANVILLE, California...which must be included in America's most prestigious communities.

Please say HELLO to ELDER ROWLEY and ELDER GEILMAN...on a missionary for their church.  We spent the better part of a half hour conversing on religious - and other - matters.

I was very pleased to meet and communicate with these two young men...uplifting and consoling...

...and as we leave Danville, the hills of San Francisco Region have become green (the are normally quite BROWN ) from the recent rains.

Farm grove of NUT trees...I know not what kind of nut.

Yes, the CHP stopped to find what I was doing walking California back roads...

Please say HELLO to Trooper JJ SWANN.  Trooper (John) SWANN and I had a VERY lengthy conversation on the well traveled roadside, agreeing to keep in touch as I made my way across America.

* * * * * * * * * *

Trooper John departed with suggestions for my parking overnight.  I ended up (thank thank you, John) at WALMART in the town of LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA.

I spent 3 hours preparing this blog update in MACdonalds last evening...only to have it disappear from my computer when attempting to POST. 

It is now 0800 hours Friday, March 07, 2014.  Am in IHOP - where I have been a customer for some 40 plus years - when it was called INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES.  Their WIFI facilities are comfy and QUIET...thank you !

I now continue walking  from Livermore on TESLA Road to the city of TRACY, California...and then on Highway 33 south toward Bakersfield, California.

For Melissa:  I feel no conflict internally from the new medication...still, lab work soon might be appropriate.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Tomas Vasiliauskas is the name of the cardiologist connected to Santa Rosa Hospital in Livermore, California who went back on his word and refused you treatment.

    What a terrible thing for a medical provider to do.

    Take care of yourself. I look forward to reading about your travels and encounters every day.

    - Sandy
