Friday, March 7, 2014


Walked approximately 24 miles today to the tiny town of WESTLEY, California located on Hwy 33 about 10 miles south of Tracy.   This was accomplished in three sections, each 2 hours long.

Leaving LIVERMORE, we found numerous horse ranches and wine grape vineyards.

Further east we encountered a range of denuded grass covered hills.\\

Crossing these hills was not child's play.  They were very steep...some exceeding 12 % in steepness.

A single stream - a small trickle, actually - flowed into the eastern flatlands south into the San Joaquin Valley.

I-580 to San Francisco.

TRACY, California in the distance.

A look back into the hills we just crossed.

One of the many large canals carrying water diverted from the five rivers that within the past 150 years, kept the ancient Lake Lanore brimming full...ranging the length and breadth of the current garden of America...the San Joaquin Valley.

New seedling trees together with the modern watering / fertilizing system feeding under ground pipes directed by computers.  I have been advised that much of the deep water wells of the San Joaquin Valley are producing increasing amounts of SALT WATER !

Westley Restaurant / Bar, where I am sitting inside producing this UPDATE.  Hope to stay the night parked in their lot next to the building.

I am treating my magnificent performing OLD body to a BBQ Combo...a complete dinner.  It deserves a  bit of a lift.

In the morning, it is south on State Road 33.

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