Monday, March 10, 2014


Sunset from WALMART Parking lot last evening.  Only 2/3 complete, the building is full of items for sale and of customers.  At 6:00 am, construction workers descended on that part of the parking lot I used...driving me to DENNY's for an early bowl of rolled oats cereal.

Monday morning traffic was intense to and from I-5, only a few miles to the West...and not far from the Grapevine, the 4000 foot high mountain north of ...and leading I-5 into LOS ANGELES.

So, I drove the "freeway" to the tiny village of LOS PANOS, some 10 miles distant.  There parked and walked twice...once 8 miles...then moved the vehicle again and walked for 16 miles on old SR 33 toward the large town of FIREBAUGH, California.  From Firebaugh, walked another 10 miles BACK toward LOS PANOS....a total of 30 miles today.

Feel very good. No pains anywhere...not out of breath...and could do another 10 miles if necessary.

Guess the "ole body is starting to come around.

Lots of nice pics today...few words as the restaurant I am using to build this update says I must be out of my booth by 5:00 pm...only 5 minutes remaining ...

Planting a new nut orchard (grove).

Up close of the irrigation water pipes.

Alternate "ditch flooding irrigation" of open fields.  That barrier can be put in place - or removed - quickly to move water source to desired part of the computers here...just plain old brute strength...and lots of smarts.

Siphon Pipes LIFTING water out of the big ditch into individual rows of the field.

Same field...previous selected watered no longer vreceiving water.

Siphon hose works:  lay hose flat into the water to fill the hose...hold the ends closed while putting one end of the water-filled pipe into the water of the FEED the other end in the desired row ditch...and release BOTH ends of the siphon pipe...water flows through the siphon into the field ditch...

SR 33 which I walked today.

Entering the town of FIREBAUGH, California, where I MAY spend the night .

The wind blew stink all day.  That round plant is a honest to goodness TUMBLE WEED being rolled through town by the strong wind.

* * * * * * * * * *

Tomorrow, south again on US 33.

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