Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Daylight Savings Time now allows me to begin walking by 7:00 am...when it is light enough to see there are no snakes to step on.

It also allows me to make three 10 - mile walking sessions with one hour rest period between each period ... and still fit in the computer work - up to three hours each day.

Makes for a long day, but would rather keep busy during daylight hours.

Today, did walk 30 miles again...with NO ill effects.  It is getting HOT.  Strong wind comes out of the North West.

Have two teeth which need work.  $$ precludes THAT !

Hot game of LAIR's POKER last night.

USA and CALIFORNIA State Flags .

Cleaning Irrigation Ditch before water begins to flow.  There is a severe water shortage, but ALL major water canals are brimming full.

Nearly ALL advertisements in South Central San Joaquin Valley are in SPANISH...rare to see a non-Mexican.

Skipped a couple towns today.  Drove to the town of RIVERDALE, California,where I put in my third 10 - mile walk of the day. 

Please say HELLO to SHARON, daughter of the owners of the local SUBWAY, where am putting together today's blog...and where I will stay overnight.

Our first Oil Wells.  Before this walk is complete, we will see hundreds of these guys.

T-BONE on the hoof !

Color of the soil in this part of the San Joaquin Valley really is basically WHITE.

Remember...the San Joaquin was until VERY recently, a millions year's old fresh water lake measuring more than 600 miles long and nearly a hundred miles wide .

A 'high LOW boy' trailer designed to haul bales of HAY.

The box behind the Driver's Cab is a "Sleeper", equipped with a bed for the driver to pull over for a nap.

Please say HELLO to DIANA, also employed at SUBWAY.

 * * * * * * * * * *

Tomorrow, will walk out of RIVERDALE, heading South on SR 43 toward the city of  BAKERSFIELD.  From Bakersfield, we climb the 4,000 foot TEHACHAPI Mountain...on the old very steep roadway.

....then we walk DOWN into the town of MOJAVE, the beginning of the hundreds mile wide MOJAVE DESERT...and the location of the "Space Plane" currently going through final test phase.  I will try to get a tour of the Space Plane and it's Carrier Launch Aircraft.  Should be a great opportunity for an interesting Blog Update....

...and yes, if offered a ride into SPACE, I WILL GO !

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