Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Up before the Sun this morning and completed the first 10 miles by 8:45 am.

Took a SUBWAY B'fast sandwich ... then drove the 17 miles to SR 43.  Parked at the convenience store and walked our second 10 mile set heading South on SR 43.

Many large DAIRY farms.  Must have been in excess of 1,000 head in the above herd...the feed lot of which extends a couple thousand feet along the roadway...and this is but one of many such farms.

Feed lot continues to the left an equal distance.

Another look at computer metered irrigation ...this time, watering mature Wine Grape Vines.

This system elevates the water pipe off the ground and part way up the trunk of the plant...imagine seeing the water from the pipe leading diretly onto the trunk of the plant...then flowing down the trunk directly to the plant ROOTS...i.e., not wasting a drop of water.

HONEY bees are found in most orchards...helping the wind pollinate the fruit / nut flower buds.

Horses seem to gravitate to me...getting the "evil eye".

One of hundreds of deep water well PUMPS.

This fellow ran at me from within an orchard ... until I started talking to him.  He the lost interest and simply walked away.

The KINGS RIVER is completely DRY.

Rain clouds actually gathered...and for a minute or two, passing autos turned on their wipers.  Nothing much to write home about.

State Road (SR 43) heading South towards the TAHACHAPI, some 100 miles distant.

Walked only 20 miles today...and drove to CORCORAN, some 32 miles distant.

Will stay here tonight and walk BACK to pick up the the missing 12 miles in the morning.

For some reason, am wiped out ... at only 3:30 pm.  Gets dark at 7:00 pm, so may take a short nap and still get in the 12 miles yet today ...

We shall see.

In any event, am in no place in particular to go...and the rest of my life to get there.

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