Thursday, March 13, 2014


Spending the night in CORCORAN was like being parked on top of the railroad tracks.  Two years ago, SPIA-1 and I parked in the exact same spot, after checking in with the City Police Department, who recommended we park there.

This year, the Police once again came visiting stating they had "calls" about a unfamiliar WASHINGTON State Vehicle seen in town.  This year's policeman even remembered my name and wished us a peaceful night.

It WAS peaceful until about midnight when the first of a steady stream of trains roared through town, whistles waking the dead miles 'round.

Train tracks from where we spent the night.  Passing trains sounded as though they were inside the vehicle !

At sunrise, walked three blocks to SUBWAY for a $3.00 6" Breakfast sandwich with coffee.  Ate half, saving the other half for Lunch...good thing too, as Primary Doctor's Nurse phoned me informing that they must have my blood test results (same test which failed in Santa Rosa) before I head out into the MOJAVE Desert next week.

Walked North on SR 43 this morning (before Melissa's phone call) for 16 miles...planning to try to do 40 miles today to the town of WASCO, some 30 miles distant ... South on SR 43 toward BAKERSFIELD, now only 50 or so miles away.

Lots and lots of trains all morning...I always wave to them and received two long TOOTS in greeting back.

This image is a first...the first HARVESTING of crops this trip.  This "COMBINE" is cutting the field of ALFALFA - the best clover-like feed for horses and cattle.

RETURNING TO Corcoran, walked another 8 miles before receiving MELISSA'S phone call.

Cut short any further walking.  Drove directly to WASCO, searched - and found - a medical Clinic, which agreed to do my blood Lab Work.  Melissa sent an "authorizing blood was drawn, and rushed to a Lab- in another city -, with a promise to have it in Melissa's hands in one week.

Holy Moly:  In Santa Rosa, the same test would have been completed in 90 minutes..

So, I will still be playing in the distant sands of the MOJAVE Desert by the time all is said and done.

Just hope all goes well !

Will stay overnight in WASCO tonight, walk back North 10 miles or so tomorrow morning before turning once again South on SR 43 toward BAKERSFIELD.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,

    Once again, terrific photos. That was a self propelled windrower cutting that hay.

    In one of your photos from a few days ago, were those pecan trees you saw? When my uncle farmed in California, there were lots and lots of pecan trees next to his farm, and those looked very similar. Lots of different nut trees in California, along with oranges, grapefruit, etc.

    Oranges are just yummy off the tree. He had oranges just across the canal, from where he got his water for flood irrigation.

    Good luck with your next day's walk.
