Saturday, April 12, 2014


Lying wide awake much of the night did little to relieve my feelings of falling short of my own expectations the past few weeks.  Whereas I walked over 4 years without injury or doubt, this walk has not lived up to demands.  I have experienced heart failures.  I have been exceptionally tired most days.  I have come up short in miles walked daily.  I have not managed my resources properly.  Readership has declined.

I am found wanting in many areas.  I am not pleased with my performance. No, I will not beat up on myself.

This is my last day walking ARIZONA, the most magnificent CANYON State I have visited.  US Highway 60 has been most surprising.  Should I wish to take an inspirational trip, surely, it would Arizona's US 60.

Canyons Canyons Canyons...should the current scene be flattish, wait a moment.  A spiritual deep Canyon is surely just around the next bend.

As with yesterday, left SPIA-2 parked while I walked East on US 60 out of the city of SPRINGSVILLE.
Being only 12 miles from the NEW MEXICO Border, I limited the walk to 1.5 hours outbound, climbing one short hill to rolling grasslands .


Those distant hills wrap around to the right, over which US 60 rises.

SOCORRO, New Mexico, some 120 miles distant with two small communities spaced in 50-mile jumps  between SPRINGSVILLE and SOCORRO.

Decided to make the walk to SOCORRO in five days of something like 25 miles per day with two sessions per day.

After my initial 12 miles this morning drove SPIA-2 five miles beyond the NEW MEXICO border, parked, and walked back to the border, returning to SPIA-2 in a wind storm.

The severe wind did not allow me to take full breaths, returning to SPIA-2 barely able to put one foot in front of the other.  My body feels like it has been beaten up.

Strange, however, that the hip pain was not there this morning and after today's walks, has not returned.

Heart and damaged ribs are also non-events; i.e., have not produced any pain or apparent stress.

How lucky is that?

Must say NEW MEXICO is so far no less scenic than was Arizona.

Cows still seem infatuated with my passing.

A couple days ago, a wild Coyote trotted 100 feet from me, going in the opposite direction, so no time for a picture.

This scene is looking West from NEW MEXICO back into ARIZONA.

* * * * * * * * * *

Will stay a third night here in SPRINGSVILLE.  May visit the local all-you-can-eat Chinese Buffet.  Ice is remaining frozen in the Chest ice nearly three days by draining off excess water, keeping the ice COVERED with a large bath towel which keeps the cold air in a limited space.  Should be OK most of the way to SOCORRO even if the two whistle stops have no ice to offer.

Strange:  Have not found any ROAD KILL, normally quite abundant.


  1. You are an inspiration! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful pictures. Do take care of yourself!

  2. I enjoy your pic
    Dallas of wv

  3. Bruce,

    Just take your time, no sense in pushing yourself all the time. Afterall, there is another day tomorrow, then still more days after that. I loved all those terrific photos. What forlorn country, so desolate. I'll bet that even the jackrabbits have to carry their lunch every day. :)

  4. Love your photos. I look forward to reading your posts every day.

    Remember this however, we look forward to seeing what you're doing. There is no timetable on our end.

    We don't care how many miles you walk each day. We just want to see what you're seeing each day and enjoy reading your thoughts.

    There's no need to meet some sort of external expectations. We don't care if you only circle one state. It's the fact that you're doing something we cannot do at this point in our lives that we enjoy so much.

  5. Bruce, if you could reiterate what you are doing and why you are doing it, and what SPIA is etc, every so often in blogposts, it would be helpful to new readers' understanding.

    I would gladly help you by forwarding your blogs on to some of the reader services if you would do this. It would certainly bring you additional readership.
