Friday, April 11, 2014


This has been a day filled with beauty as far as the eye can see.

This has been a day filled with pain not experienced for a while.

Up at daybreak after a difficult night with back pain keeping me awake much too much.  Difficulty dressing, decided to skip in-SPIA-2 Breakfast replacing with a McDonald's Muffin, potato and cuppa coffee.

What I really wanted to do was sleep.

Leaving SPIA-2 parked, set out West on US 60, returning at 8:30 AM.

Objective today was 25 - 30 miles to recover the miles driven yesterdyt from SHOW LOW to SPRINGSVILLE.

US 60 as it passes thru SPRINGSVILLE.

A true Western Outfitting and General Store, was permitted to overnight at least two nights in their parking lot.

Please say HELLO to MEMORY (yes, Memory is her name) and my memory has once again failed me.


...both employees who arranged for SPIA-2 to remain parked overnighht.

Thank You.

JAVA BLUES Restaurant and Bar, who allowed me to create our blog update last night.

Again, many thanks.

This evening's blog update is being created at SUBWAY...again Thank You.

Monument a tribute to Pioneer Women who came West to Arizona on WAGON TRAINS braving  hardships and dangers found on the way.

Wall Mural.

Downing a IBUPROFUL, set out at dawn, returning 2.5 hours later.

Interesting writings.  The "hyrogliphics" are actually reproduction of private BRANDS used by Cattle Ranchers to identify cattle belonging to their ranch.

Most cattle during development of the Old West were allowed to roam free across the countryside, becoming mixed together with cattle wearing BRANDS of many different ranches.

Yearly, a Spring ROUNDUP was organized by the ranchers who provided men, horses, Chuck-Wagons, etc. to COLLECT (ROUND UP) the cattle from wherever they might be found.

Being Branded made easy work to identify who belonged to whom.  New Calves ALWAYS stayed at the side of their own Mother, making that question self-answered.

Returning to SPRINGVILLE, drove SPIA-2 some 15 miles back West on US 60 where she parked aweaiting my second walk toward the mountain top carrying the "7550" elevation sign.

Following few some photographs I selected to share:

"7550" sign is up there...only one more hill away...which I will forego.

I must get off my feet.

Tomorrow is another day...Gone With The Wind

and do we have plenty of wind once again up here today.

SOCORRO , in NEW MEXICO, is our next significant destination.

Interesting roadside plant.  A type of Cactus?

SPIA-2 is somewhere back down that road we have just climbed.

* * * * * * * * * *

Tomorrow IS another day with winds to exceed 35 mph accompanied by possible says the radio Weatherman.

Might decide to sit out tomorrow.

The next "anything" is the blink-the-eye-and-miss-it GUEMADO, SOME 49 MILES DISTANT.

Thank goodness for SPIA-2.

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