Thursday, April 17, 2014


DALHART, Texas is a bit deceptive at first glance.  An apparent sleepy small city.  DALHART is crossroads for four major roadways, is home for many Dairy Farms, originates a new freight train every few minutes blocking city streets as they pull out of town, home for a State Prison, and supporting a number of Cattle Feed Lots, fattening up the animals for slaughter.

Walked from 7:30 am, CDT (Central Daylight Time) to 1:00 pm (noon).  Have another 5 or 6 hours walk to complete the trek to Dalhart.

Drove SPIA-2 25 miles South on US 54, parked, and did my walking.  Truly not much to see on this stretch of US 54, but did manage some images to share.

A Railroad Crane in a hopper car waiting for an assignment.

A critter of some sort opened this hole only a few hours ago.  No, I did not see it.

18 Wheeler coming.

18 Wheeler going.

Feed lots abound near DALHART, including this one, home for 4 months for 72,000 guest cattle.

With tomorrow's blog update, additional information will be published. 

Please say HELLO to JODIE, Commodity Clerk of FIVE RIVERS XIT FEEDERS, a JBS USA Company.

A bit down US 54 is the CARGILL FEEDER Company.

* * * * * * * * * *

This afternoon, met NICK and RED, two "Soul Winners," with whom we together passed hours doing what Seniors across America do... visit to relive and share.  Tomorrow, I will introduce NICK and RED.

1 comment:

  1. I still do not know how you walk so much
    Dallas of wv
