Friday, April 18, 2014



Recent changes to the manner of my walk across America has resulted in changes in the manner of PRIORITIES .

Initially, my interest was to WALK; no frills, no obligations, short term objectives, a time for introspection.  My Son Ronald, altered the priorities a bit by saying: "Dad, if you'r going to do this crazy thing, others are going to be interested.  So, why not start a blog with which you can vicariously take them along."

So was born Seniors Walking Across America and so was my life changed in virtually every significant way.

Recent comments by "followers" have made it clear that miles walked is kinda incidental.   Guess I have satisfied some folks that old men doing incredible walking is not news - or much interesting.   "I want to see more of what you see."   "I want to know what you are thinking."  "I want to read and see more about your life as it relates to your walking."  "You left us stranded in Italy in 1950s...I want to know what happened next."

And So Forth.

Our Blog has taken my walk AND ME, far beyond strolling across our incredible Country.

My walk has grown far beyond this old man.

Sitting in McDonald's in the Texas city of DALHART, it is unseasonably COLD out on the roadways.  Hours of daylight have been added because of Daylight Savings Time and my move East into Central Time Zone.  It is still light until 8:30 pm, leaving lots of time to enjoy things other than walking.

I have come to enjoy writing.  Alone on long empty stretches of countryside, my mind is filled with a continuous stream of ideas, remembrances, and "what if's."  Incredible how much is brought into focus.  I get to play "what if" endlessly without distraction.  One significant event keeps returning each day.  Yes, each day my mind brings into focus my new four-letter word:  MOVE.

The word MOVE together with my perception of an historic search has come up with a startling possibility.

The Fountain Of Youth has, to my understanding, been near the top of Man:s search for a very long time...perhaps from time immemorial.

Is it possible that the endless searches for the Fountain Of Youth have been looking in the wrong places?

My inward search for answers as to the evolution of Christian's CANCER led me to the Fountain Of Youth.

I have given hundreds of walking hours to this possibility.  The more I consider the evidence, the more I am certain our body does indeed contain THE Fountain Of Youth.

During the past 4 years, I have shared bits of my thoughts, including the Fountain Of Youth.  I am particularly interested in reactions from medically trained folks...some of whom look askance at me, but have NEVER received a "are you crazy?" response.

I truly feel - not yet certain - that what I have stumbled upon through my mental searches during endless hours - days - and yes, years out on the road is not far off the mark.

I have much more to share on this subject.

My new four-letter-word MOVE is an integral part.

I shall, a bit timidly, begin to share more within my daily walking blog.

It is now 12:00 NOON in DALHART, Texas.  It has warmed up a bit and the wind is fresh, but more modest than the past few days.  I will post this "experiment," then don my reflective vest, Elephant Ears cap,  white gloves and go for a stroll down US 54.

Another update will be created for publication yet this evening.

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