Friday, April 18, 2014


Last evening, spent a fun time with two Gentlemen of the cloth. Clerics for local prison, who brought me into their weekly "prayer" meeting at McDonald's.  Asked for what they would like to be known, both replied, ..."Soul Winner for Jesus."  Sounded OK by me.  From there, our discussion was laced with hilarity and belly laughs.

Please say HELLO to NICK COOPER, who also plays lead guitar of a group making music for the Lord.

NICK hung around til quite late as we two were having a great time dancing around word games directed upstairs.

Please say HELLO to RED DAVIS.  RED, Chaplain for the local State Prison, has lost his ability to dance much, having been "T-Boned" by an 18 Wheeler a few feet from where I sit.  RED is confined to his wheel chair suffering a broken back.

It is uncommon that I have the pleasure to commiserate with two old fogies.  I took full advantage of my opportunity.

Wish you both well, guys!

As promised, the following images detail public information of one of two local Cattle Feed Lots.  I did visit and had a lively discussion with Trevor...who kept edging me toward the front door with..."What can I do for you?"  "You are already doing it, talking to me."  "Well, if I can do nothing for you, we are quite busy, so if you would excuse us...," as I am ushered to the door.

Interesting the images to enlarge.

One DALHART major crossroads.

This afternoon decided to walk the city on my way out US 54 to inspect a concrete works and a new bridge being built a couple miles from town central.


Residential Street

City Park.

Please say HELLO to EDDIE DANDY...a jovial passerby who stopped to share a moment in time.  EDDIE is showing me the size of the minnow he used to catch a giant big mouth BASS.

When asked to think of pleasant things, one of my favorites; although I rarely drink one.

One of two concrete companies in town.  This one managed by KURTIS THOMPSON, also City Mayor.

Pictured truck is first of seven rigs to receive the new paint job...nice !

Please say HELLO to MELISSA, whom I considered one of the owners.  "Nope, just in concrete a long time," says she.  A few facts shared by MELISSA:

Concrete is traded in CU YDS (Cubic Yards).
Truck holds 10 cu yds per full load.
A "batch" consists of Portland Cement, rock, sand, and water.
Each batch is to Customer's PSI requirements.
PSI = Pounds Per Square engineered for the load (weight) the final concrete must support.
PSI = A driveway needs a low PSI rating.
PSI = A roadway needs a high PSI rating.
Ingredients are filled into the truck from overhead hoppers.
Ingredients are mixed inside the Cement Truck's rotating drum.
Ingredients being mixed in the truck drum  are known as CONCRETE.
Drying time ranges from 28 to 48 hours.
SAM GREEN is the Batch Designer.

D and G Transmit storage yard offers a selection of ingredients which are ...

...transported by conveyor systems to the top of the above vertical tanks, from which the proper amount of each ingredient is carefully measured by load cells as it is loaded through the overhead hopper into the Cement Truck waiting below.

D and G also does asphalt paving and from the pic above, highway snow plowing (removal).

One must NEVER NEVER attempt to pass a Snow Plow at work.

This roadway is of interest as it has been specially reinforced in the travel areas of the thousands of heavy trucks daily motoring back and forth on US 54.

A bridge under construction on US 54.

Two elements of construction are shown above:

Pre-fabricated slabs of concrete form the base for the roadway.  Wet concrete will fill the remaining VOID.

REBAR (Reinforcing steel rods) are wired together forming a basket effect to add strength to the finished 
concrete road surface.

Wedges are placed under the Pre-fabricated slabs to assure proper alignment.

On the walk back tp SPIA-2,  stopped in at a Mexican Restaurant to satisfy that COORS Light thirst.  Was so pleased to strike up conversations with two ladies and their sons...who gifted me my COORS.

Thank you!

Please say HELLO to RACHEL and son JAGGER.  Our conversation was so enlightened, I drank my COORS very slowly.

Please say HELLO to SARAH (in the pink) and son PRESTON, reminding me of Sergeant PRESTON of the YUKON...a favorite radio program after school in the 1940s.

* * * * * * * * * *

What a busy full day.  So many wonderful people out here.

Will over night once again tonight at McDonald's.

Tomorrow I walk North on US 54.  Completed our detailed route to DeKALB, Illinois.  It is a long way off.

As difficult as it to say Good Bye, the next hill...the next certain to help fill the void.

New four-letter word:  MOVE.   Our Fountain Of Youth depends on it.

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