Sunday, April 20, 2014


We have entered that area commonly known as Tornado Alley.  Two storm cells have come and gone with NO Tornado.  Likelihood of encountering a Tornado is not good, but then again...

Concerning Trailer Side Foils to deflect air piling up under the trailer body in front of the rear wheels, I have today seen two new design systems, both of which are far superior to the side mounted spoilers.  The Rigs went past so quickly, did not get a photograph.

This morning, walked both ways out of the town of STRATFORD, Texas, returning at noon time, before driving the 20 miles to the border town of TEXHOMA, Oklahoma.

From TEXHOMA, walked US 54 toward STRATFORD until a super storm cell came barreling across the plain at high speed.  I turned back toward TEXHOMA, arriving as the first raindrops fell.

Towering Cumulus storm clouds are filling the sky, so I anticipate more storm cells to come our way.

The missing word is STRATFORD.

A FED EX Truck Terminal appears to be in STRATFORD.

US 54 passes this way.  Overnighted at that Truck Stop.

SUBWAY kindly allowed a space to computerize yesterday's blogs. 

US 54.

Railroad trains pass along side US 54 at regular intervals.  Freight is primarily new automobiles. LAND BRIDGE Containers, oil tank cars, and hopper cars into which I have not been able to see.

The far North west corner of Texas has considerable agricultural farm irrigating with above ground circular sprinklers.  Some fields already in production.

A small herd of Black Angus Cattle in an equally small Feed Lot.  I got my normal MOOs as I walked away.

Crossing Railroad track such a above is called a Grade Crossing.  Not certain where the term comes from.

Guard Rails begin and end with collapsible section to limit damage to the crashed vehicles.  This is what the guard rail looks like after a crash.

Having driven to TEXHOMA, walked back toward STRATFORD, until chased by the pursuing Storm Cell.

US 54 passing through the town of TEXHOMA.

TEXHOMA is home to several Grain (Wheat) Elevators - SILOs -.  SILOs are the tall round storage units.  Grain is "elevated" from trucks and rail cars to the top of the SILOs, where it is stored for later shipment..  Grain is later gravity fed into outgoing transport units for shipment.  Considerable USA Grain is exported to foreign countries.

First Windmill I have seen since leaving the Rocky Mountains.

This photograph clearly shows "water" flowing across the roadway.  The "water" is actually the famous mirage seen in deserts and on hot roadways.  Mirage = seeing water that is not illusion caused by nature.

Remains of a wooden cattle corral.

A secondary farm road, paved in dirt.

TEXHOMA in the far distance.

* * * * * * * * * *

Plan to overnight in TEXHOMA, with a break-of-the-morning walk East towards the state of KANSAS about 100 miles distant.

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