Monday, April 21, 2014


TEXHOMA is 10 miles distant from GOODWILL.  First walk this morning took us to GOODWILL and back to TEXHOMA.  A second walk was from GUYMOND, some 10 miles from GOODWILL.

It is still chilly in the mornings out on the plains.  This afternoon the wind once again picked up making walking difficult.  Stong winds suck the moisture from everything, including my body.

Early morning shadow got in this pic of TEXHOMA main street.

Stockyard Holding Pens.

Flat Flat.  Not a hill to be seen.

Surprised this region is using rotary irrigation systems.  Normally, water is sprayed from nozzles 20 feet high on the machine.  This piece of equipment has been equipped with "drop-down" pipes with spray water nozzles located a few inches above the seed bed or growing plant tops, minimizing wind blowing the water away from the targeted spots.

LAND BRIDGE keeps rolling along.

A home for sale.

Dirt country road.

Plowing has begun on this field.

Corn Harvester For Sale.

Please say HELLO to SALLY.  Took SALLY three turns around the room to get up courage to come to me.  Good thing I know what cats like.  We became fast friends.

SALLY is Watch Cat for this Water Drilling Company.  SALLY's MOM, PAM chatted with me  about local water conditions.  I walked through here 3 years ago.  The Water Table (Water Table = the level below ground where water is to be found.)  PAM says water is found only 50 feet under the long-time dried up BEAVER RIVER.  Moving away from the BEAVER RIVER BED, the aquafier (Water table location) can move as deep as 500 + feet underground.

PAM's Company has 3 truck-mounted (mobile) Drill Rigs)

A year old Mexican Restaurant where I stopped for a late breakfast.

Please say HELLO to BRISSY, owner of La CASITA 3, which she started one year ago.  For the first year, BRISSY is pleased with business.

From TEXHOMA, drove to GUYMON, where we will over night.  This rather large town, I walked 4 years ago on my very first attempt to walk across America.  It is as it looked 4 years ago, complete with WALMART and other fine stores in several small Shopping Centers.  From GUYMAN, walked BACK on US 54 to the skipped town of GOODWILL.

Yes, we are in Oil Well Country.

The past few miles of US 54 have been excellent 4-lane roadway.

GUYMONT sports one of the last surviving Outdoor Movie Theatres.

Water hose laid out for a prospective customer of HOWARD Drilling Company.  All sort of irrigation equipment is available for sale, rent or lease.  Five locations in  KANSAS, OKLAHOMA and TEXAS also offer Water Well Drilling and water systems design and installation.

Please say HELLO to TRAVIS WINTERS, Manager of the GUYMON, Texas Offices.

Before arrival of TRAVIS, spent some minutes chatting with Office Manager KALI, who had lots of knowledge of her Company activities and local water conditions.  As with PAM earlier today, KALI declined a pic.

TRAVIS discussed local water conditions - recent water well water table dropped 30 feet between two recent  periods.  In general, the area is still in a draught.  Most farmers are already - or in the process of - computerizing water distribution and using the direct plastic pipe "DRIP" method.  This procedure places predetermined amount of water in precise locations.The States of TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, and KANSAS are expected to soon implement controls on agricultural use of water.

We have seen many passing trains, but not one like this.  The second Engine in line is SMOKING heavily through side panels.  The smoke is NOT normal and could originate from a motor fire.  Looks to me more likely to originate from the failure of a internal EXHAUST PIPE CONNECTOR.  If so, it looks bad, but may only make a big mess; but, probably will not cause an accident or engine fire. 

* * * * * * * * * *

Am in a newer section of GUYMON, where I found McDonald's and WI-FI to complete this update.

In the morning, will continue walking North east on US 54.  KANSAS is now about 60 miles distant.

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