Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This entire region has been given over to ATandT.  My VERIZON system is of no account for the past 4 days.  Stopped in at PITTSFIELD, Illinois PIZZA HUT, who has ATandT, blog updates fly together.  As we move North, VERIZON is said to regain it's superior signal.  Hopefully that is true.

Please say HELLO to MANDY of BOWLING GREEN PIZZA HUT, who offered sympathy for my fighting VERIZON for so many hours with no success.

...and yes, selfies seem to becoming the FAD of the moment.

Please say HELLO to LINDA, Manager of BOWLING GREEN PIZZA HUT.  Thank you for allowing me to suffer in the comfort of your shop.

From BOWLING GREEN it is 10 miles to the MISSISSIPPI RIVER.  After a steaming bowl of Oatmeal Cereal, drove to the town of LOUISIANA situated on the banks of the river.  This beautiful old town looks like it is perpetually expecting the Stern Wheeler MARK TWAIN to snuggle up to their river dock.

Walked nearly all the way back to BOWLING GREEN, after which I walked into the old town of LOUISIANA for a treat back into history of nearly 100 years ago.

This image clearly shows the water aquafier spilling out of the roadside rock cliff.

Just wondering...Since EARTH has a profusion of under ground rivers and massive fresh water lakes, I would expect the planet MARS to have something similar; i.e., lots of fresh underground water...and why not.

That lady is a Missouri DOT worker mowing the grass on a too-steep hillside. 

Bridge over the MISSISSIPPI RIVER at LOUISIANA, Missouri.This bridge has not one inch for walking.  The lanes are very narrow.  I walked out onto the bridge roadway to photograph the river.  Traffic in both directions came to a halt until I was completely off the bridge.

Most bridges in the South East of America are built like this bridge.  Not a place for walkers.   

The city of LOUISIANA is full of old elegant homes...some crying out for some TLC (Tender Loving Care).

only mural I found in LOUISIANA.

Is that the MARK TWAIN com'n round the bend?

Owner and employees of BRAKFAST DONUT SHOP, where I took time to savor their delicious SNAIL and a cuppa CAPPOCHINO.

Bridge as seen from ILLINOIS.

High-end Restaurant for LEASE.

ILLINOIS side of the MISSISSIPPI RIVER is a totally flat

Looking back at MISSOURI hills bordering the river.  A total contrast from the flat ILLINOIS side.

Drove the 20 miles to the city of PITTSFIELD, ILLINOIS, where we are using ATandT WI-FI.

Will walk back in the morning, after an over night at WALMART or PIZZA HUT.

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