Thursday, May 22, 2014

POST 1328; MAY 22, 2014; PERRY, ILLINOIS

Today was one of our more productive days of walking.

Today was also one of the most perplexing days...I lost the hp Mini AC - DC cable connectors, without which there are no blogs - at least not from THIS computer.  As it turns out, I forgot to put them into my computer bag when leaving PIZZA HUT for the night yesterday.  Back tracking many miles and shaking up a number of folks who commiserated with me - trying to find my connectors - I finally arrived at yesterday's PIZZA HUT where a grinning young lady behind the counter demurely holding my connectors says..."...looking for these?"

VERIZON has NO service in this portion on the Mississippi River Valley.  Luckily, PIZZA HUT uses ATandT, which loaded my pics at lightning speed.

My Walk-saving PIZZA HUT in PITTSFIELD, where we parked over night and from where I walked 5 hours this morning, bringing us current.

Lovely properties between PITTSFIELD and the Mississippi River on US 54.

Downtown PITTSFIELD...Town Square ...Courthouse and businesses.


PURPLE MARTIN Condo built in the center of Main Street of the Town Of GRIGGSVILLE, Illinois.

Lined up on the Roof...should have done vertical wall corners.

ILLINOIS Highway 107 wildflowers.

ILLINOIS 107 from GRIGGSVILLE to PERRY, some 6 miles distant.

It was in PERRY I discovered the computer connector AC - DC to be missing.

No longer are we in the Great Plains.  Farm roads are mostly paved out here.

Who takes my hand as we stand admiring this elegant barn..."yes, squeezing hands slightly...a most beautiful barn."

Lower sign:  Illinois 107; PIKE County: 6.0 Miles

Please say HELLO to AMI, Owner of "MOMENTS THAT MATTER".

AMI has embarked on a special project for me having to do with SAM and ME, and our preparations for our LISBON, Portugal TO BEIJING, China upcoming walk.

Please say HELLO to LISA, who works part time with AMI.

Nice pic, young lady.

State of MISSOURI Vehicle transporting prisoners from somewhere on the Atlantic Seaboard back to JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri.

* * * * * * * * * *

After all is said and done, PIZZA HUT once again to the rescue.  POSTING TIME !

Will now drive back to PERRY, Illinois, where we left off earlier chasing across Illinois for the computer cable connectors.  Will over night in PERRY and walk North on Illinois 107 in the morning.

Mt. Sterling is next up, some 12 miles distant.

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