Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Have enjoyed two full days with Carol.  We did some shopping together and enjoyed dinner - just the two of us - downtown DeKalb.  Most time was spent at The Pines, a residential Home for Assisted Living.  This being my 4th visit to The Pines, I am almost a regular, having my own regular chair in the Dining Hall, and saying HELLO once again to many Staff Members as well as Residents.  Carol is going on 7 years at The Pines.  Numerous Residents have been living at The Pines much longer.

Am giving thought to returning one more time on my return from Key West.

Small park in the center of Downtown DeKalb.

Today, Parked SPIA-2 here...then walked the afternoon hours around town taking photographs and meeting new friends.

DeKalb is a busy railroad center with dozens of trains passing through Town Central day and night.

Some one takes great pride in decorating the streets of DeKalb.

A city of modest height buildings impressive for their architecture and the fact that most are open for business.  Not many empty buildings to be found.

NORTH ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY stands proudly in town central.

Historic Note:  Carol's Husband, AL, attended Northern Illinois University where he earned his Master's Degree.

This aircraft I flew as a 12-year old...Soloed after 45 minutes of Ground / Flight Instruction.

Please say HELLO to CHRISTIE, who, after 750 hours of training has gained her State Certificate for cosmetic nails etc.

I enjoyed a Pedicure...for which Christie refused my $$.

Christie did, however, accept and return my heartfelt HUGs - in the middle of the busy downtown street.

Northern Illinois University Campus.

* * * * * * * * * *

Some may remember Alex and his friend whom I met 5 months ago in Washington State as they set off in their tiny car to survey Churches of America for their eventual book.  Today, Alex phoned me that they were passing within 100 miles of me; we decided neither of us had $$ to re-route to meet. 

In the morning, plan to walk North on ILLINOIS 23 toward MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin and points North and East.  Should reach the Eastern Seaboard of MAINE by July 4...then walk South following - and recording - Nature's COLOR all the way to KEY WEST, Florida, which I should reach in JANUARY 2015, before returning diagonally across America to The PEACE ARCH at the BLAINE, Washington USA / CANADA Boarder Crossing about 5 months later...one year from today...June 03, 2015.

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