Wednesday, June 4, 2014



Rained most of the night and until 2:00 pm this afternoon.

Was tempted to stay over one more night, but finally said Good Bye to Carol and her many Resident and nurse friends at The Pines.  May be the last time in DeKalb, but promised Carol if she stuck around I would stop in once again in March / April 2015.

Have made arrangements to visit ERIC, Carol's Son, who lives some 60 miles distant in the city of WEST BEND, WISCONSIN.  Will Drive / Walk to arrive Friday Evening and stay the week end.   Am looking forward to my visit.

Please say HELLO to my Little Sister, CAROL.  This brave lady is combating a half dozen major diseases simultaneously, setting positive examples how it is done to her 100 or so colleague Residents.  Going on 8 years incarcerated (My Term) and I watched her bowl a 256 two days ago.

Carol certainly has earned my four times walking from one Ocean or the other to say HELLO.  Says she will be there for my 5th visit next year.

A Thank You to McDonald's for their many invitations to use their WI-FI.  Stopped in this morning for a MOCCA.

Rained a steady drizzle as I drove / walked my way North on a very beat up ILLINOIS Highway 23...which ended at the city of HARVARD, Illinois.

Silent stroll through some beautiful farms...

Fog reached the ground all morning.

Yellow markers of underground Natural Gas Pipeline.  This marker is found in every corner of America.

...companioned by the above marker so aircraft can patrol the pipeline from above.

Each crossing has a sign as above. 

Would be interesting to create a blog / book of these traffic signs.

MARENGO, Illinois is Home Town to somebody.

It is well to remember that each village, no matter what, has been somebody's Home Town.

Met the owner and builder of this recently built Castle...based upon an architectural design pulled out of his own creative mind...yes, a NEW Castle now accepting Bed and Breakfast Clients at ...

...the above contacts.

...and we reach HARVARD, Illinois, my destination for today.

Walking the pleasant streets of HARVARD, soft music floats through the air from speakers on  overhead artistic Street Lamps.

Today's blog creation is coming to life at BOPP's GRILLE and SALOON, where I enjoyed a Pulled Pork Sandwich washed down by a COOR's LIGHT Beer a couple hours ago.

* * * * * * * * * *

Checked in with HARVARD POLICE DEPARTMENT as to where I should park over night.


Is now 4:30 pm local.  After posting, will go find WALMART, purchase ICE for the Cooler, then read until dark.

Tomorrow, will Drive / Walk on Illinois Highway 173... then North on Illinois 75 / 45, toward the city of MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, where we will once again spend the night. 

ERIC's home is in WEST BEND, Wisconsin, only a few miles from MILWAUKEE.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you saw Carol Babe @ I getting over Pneamonia got on cruise ship 2 weeks ago!! HAPPY WALKING
