Thursday, June 5, 2014


Spent a peaceful night at WALMART in HARVARD, Illinois last night.  At daybreak, took breakfast of Raisin Bran and Yogurt from SPIA's Ice Chest before driving to the village of HEBRON, where I parked before walking Illinois 173 for 2 hours, taking lots of pictures.

Stopped umerous times driving the countryside to photograph interesting Barns and vistas.

Continued through the cities of RICHMOND and to ANTIOC, where I will spend the night once again at WALMART.

Tomorrow, will reach ERIC's home in WEST BEND, Wisconsin, where we will visit at least until Monday before heading for CANADA...with eventual destination of OTTAWA, CANADA where we will cross back into the USA by bridge over the ST. LAWRENCE RIVER.

Basketball Water Tower honors 1952 State Basketball Champions.  Nice touch!

Drove / Walked out of my way to find and photograph BARNS.

Illinois Highway 173.

Spent hours walking RICHMOND

Meeting a PARROT, Lisa...Please say HI and give her head a scratch, which she loves.

Please say HELLO to TRIXIE, Lisa's MOM.

TRIXIE gave me a great haircut in her Babershop...then said my $$ was no good.

TRIXIE then took me next door to meet an interesting young lady, KATHY.


In Business just one year, Kathy is a One-Person Business looking for a good Summer.

Even so, my $$ was no good to Kathy either for the CAPPACHINO she offered me.

We talked, it seemed, like hours, meeting friends who dropped in, joining our conversation.


Please say HELLO to Kathy's friend, KIM

Please say HELLO to KATHY's friend, RHEA...savoring her ice cream cone.

Took a number of pics of that dreamy gi.. cone...

Please say HELLO to JARED and lovely Daughter EMMA LEE.

Both very photogenic.

JARED led me around the block to meet more of his friends.

...all of whom conducted businesses from their homes.

EMMA LEE somehow sneaked into the above pic.

JARED took some pics of EMMA LEE and I...turned out rather nice.

Please say HELLO to more of JARED's friends who waved me over to chat.

Please say HELLO to ANN, JANET, and HELEN

All these folks live in a beautiful neighborhood of RICHMOND, Illinois.

* * * * * * * * * *

The afternoon getting a bit late, said my goodbyes and drove the 11 miles to ANTIOCH, Illinois, found McDonald's with computer WI-FI, where I have managed to create today's Blog offering.

Tomorrow morning, will drive toward MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, taking pictures as I go...then time my arrival at ERIC's at 6:00 pm local time.

Will find adequate time to include a few walking hours along the way.

Not for the faint of HEART, have been experiencing some HEART irregularities which I informed my Nurse MELISSA in Bellingham by phone.  May need to check into ER if it continues...just to make certain no danger is involved.  No pain...just a "sensation".


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