Friday, June 6, 2014


Another pleasant night at WALMART.  

A hour moseying the city of ANTIOC, Illinois produced the following pics- and many more not selected for today's photo timeline - before driving the 70 remaining miles to our destination for today...WEST BEND, WISCONSIN.

Am becoming interested in joining a Theater Group...once did "RUMORS" and found it yes, demanding, but so fulfilling...becoming aware of the importance of working with a well oiled team to produce a fun appreciated production..

....and we slowly ease our way into rural ILLINOIS and WISCONSIN.
 of the only states using LETTERS instead of NUMBERS or NAMES for secondary rural roadways.

BARNS...Get 'em while we can. 

Barns like these in Mid America are special...not found elsewhere in so much variety and architectural splendor.

Please notice the "QUILT" painted on the front of this gorgeous Barn.

If only they could speak to us...

Look again ...Listen...

They DO !


...a community lifted from GERMANY and frozen in place.

Those traveling Germany will recognize the above traditional building technique.

Beautiful stone work

Many already are aware that as a 4 year old, I slipped BACKWARD through our two hole model back on the Stump Ranch in the year 1939.   No, I'm not really full of it...just seems to be so from time to time.

Roads from five directions meet at this intersection.

RT's SPORT CORNER touches all five roadways.

Where I have spent the last 4 hours creating today's blog:

RT's SPORTS CORNER Bar and Grill
W187 N12793 Fond du Lac Avenue

Robin and Terri Bird, Owners

Please say HELLO to ROBIN BIRD


Sometimes a person absorbs the camera and pulls us right in, too.

ROBIN is such a one.

Thank you, Robin for your kindness and encouraging conversation...Bye to Terri...

Please say HELLO to of Robin's many clients, with whom I was fortunate to chat for some time.  Al and his Son are on a perpetual weekly series of a CANOE trip of 450 miles traveling rivers through MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, and into IOWA.

To create a feeling of being in continuous retirement, family and friends meet along AL and Son's canoe route where celebrations continue from one week into the next.

Setting the stage for greater future travels ?????

Nice to meet you, AL...GO, You GUY !

* * * * * * * * * * *

Instead of charging off down the roadways with a hard and fast destination, I am beginning to enjoy the recent dallying in an unexpected spot.  Sometimes feel as a traveling flower...hesitating here and there...unknown and unexpected BEES come a buzzing in search of...WHAT do we search for...?

...a infusion of new environment...a peek at life through the eyes of a complete stranger exploring our World in a most unexpected way ... an exploration to look forward to tomorrow and the day - week - month(s) to come...

I am so lucky to do the exploring...sharing that which is discovered.

I have my LYMPHATIC SYSTEM technical data.  Soon, my findings of this, Life's incredible gift to us...our very own FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH ... gifting... LATER, but not much LATER.

Is now 4:30 pm local.  Must post this update, get on my horse (sorry...on SPIA-2) and high tail it to NEPHEW ERIC's home, waiting only 10 miles from where I sit at Robin's SPORTS CORNER.

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