Thursday, June 12, 2014


Manager of PIZZA HUT, BLUFFTON, Indiana, gave me permission to park last night in their parking lot...with a caution that the town police might stop by to check on me.  As cautioned, a 2:30 RAP RAP RAP on SPIA's window produced the BLUFFTON City Policeman.

Already awake, I was checking Blog activity, which I do more often than not sometime in the early morning hours.  Giving me the full check up, including radio proof of identity and confirmation that I was a PIZZA HUT Customer AND a 4-year walker across AMERICA, he apologized for waking me - I was already awake -.

Nice to know someone is looking out for me out here...Thank You.

Took time to enjoy my RAISIN BRAN and yogurt, plus 1/2 Bagel for breakfast from SPIA's Ice Cooler.  walked 3 sets this morning...two 6-mile sets and one 10 mile set toward the city of DECATUR, Indiana.

Storm Cells were in all directions.  One cell caught me on the second walk.  In 10 minutes it was gone leaving a sultry warm cloudy sky the rest of the day.

Walked / Drove the full distance between BLUFFTON and DECATUR.  First time in a while I have done that.

Leaving BLUFFTON, Indiana.

SPIA parked along Route 224 to begin the second walk of the day.

Sign advertising LORENCE LIVESTOCK, where SPIA parked.

Route 224 looking East toward DECATUR, Indiana.

Some scenes along the way...

This home gives off a warm cozy feeling.

Drove to City of DECATUR, Indiana, parked SPIA, and walked BACK West on Route 224.

Common chemical applied to CORN fields between plantings.  Dangerous stuff !

"CORNBINDERS", or more commonly referred to as "INTERNATIONAL" Trucks.

Mentioned my Dad lost his new "REO" Rig when the Saddle Tank Mounting Straps broke, resulting in the gasoline exploding under the wheels of his fully loaded trailer.

Not mentioned before is that he also lost his second Rig, a "CORNBINDER" fully loaded with lumber from the DEE, Oregon Lumber Mill.  Driving the old Columbia River Canyon in dead of winter, a KRAFT CHEESE TRUCK, sliding out  control on ice on the narrow mountain highway slammed head on into our International CORNBINDER, destroying Rig and Load of lumber,  This loss was also without insurance, resulting Dad losing our Company.  I say "our" because I was the third member of the Corporation.  Dad, you see, used - without my knowledge - my World War Two War Bonds to finance the trucking company.

I had worked since age 6 - in  1941 - for an income; every dollar of which I purchased War Bonds, each valued at $25.00...and I had a drawer full of them.  In 1945, at age 10, I obtained my Social Security Card, resulting in my paying income tax on my earnings.  I was NEVER without at least one job until 1952, when I entered the Air Force, leaving Dad and Mother to run the Trucking Company without me.

You see, little Brother Jim and I rode our bikes 10 miles each morning before school, to the Trucking Terminal in PASCO, Washington to unload incoming Semi Rigs arriving during the night from LOS ANGELES...then we rode back to school...only to return  to the PASCO Terminal after school to sort the outgoing freight and load it into the L.A. bound rigs, before returning home.

OH Yes, before our morning job in PASCO, Jim and I delivered the SEATTLE POST INTELLINGENCER newspapers to KENNEWICK...a city of 15,000 Residents.

 This, Jim and Me did since 1947, Jim being 9 years old.  I was 12.  We NEVER received any payment from Dad or Mother.  We DID, however, get to drive - we taught ourselves - the 18-Wheeler Rigs...all without supervision...and we never scratched a single Rig.

SELLKING International, sells the CORNBINDERS.  Thank You gentlemen for helping bring back some of Jim and Me's youthful memories.  I miss Jim, who died in 2008.

Cutting Golf Course Grass.

DECATUR 18-Hole Golf Course, open to the Public.  Membership is $1,200.00 for full time unlimited golf for one year.  SENIORS pay $1,000.00.  Electric Cart cost is $10.00 per round of excellent way to get exercise is to WALK the full 18 holes...a distance of six miles - approximately.

* * * * * * * * * *

Am again at PIZZA HUT in DECATUR, Indiana to do this update.  Will drive on over to nearby WALMART to park for the night.

In the morning, it is back to Route 224.  DECATUR is only 8 miles from the border of the State of OHIO.

Seems incredible that I am back to OHIO.

Sure miss Nephew ERIC and his three ladies.  LOVE you guys !


  1. Enjoy
    Dallas of wv
    I going to church camp on the 13 till 22

  2. We miss you too. Katelyn and Nicole say Hi! Come back and visit us again sometime when your in the area. You're welcome back anytime!
