Friday, June 13, 2014

POST 1346; JUNE 13. 2014; VAN WERT, OHIO

Today revealed the truth of not paying attention   ---   OR   ---   failing to verify information received or misinterpreted.

Whatever led me to walk many miles WEST when I intended to walk NORTH, I have learned a good lesson...and have turned my misdirection into something positive.

After blindly walking a dusty narrow road, I discovered a OHIO State Patrol Office, where Sergeant Cook spent at least one hour in the Reception Room, perusing the latest OHIO Map with me, searching for the preferred route to the shore of LAKE ERIE.  Sgt. COOK also pointed out the error of my ways to erroneously walk miles in the wrong direction.

Never too old to make major errors.  Fortunate to find a kindly official to set me straight.  Fortunate to also error when the result is of a positive nature

This morning walked from the city of DECATUR to and beyond the OHIO border...and back to DECATUR.

After driving the 18 miles to the city of VAN WERT, OHIO, did my "Wrong Way" walk.

Once again, PIZZA HUT has opened their Restaurant to me during their "slow" hours.  Must say that there are only so many farm houses, barns, and scenery available to photograph today.  I feel certain that something exciting has escaped my attention, but we must go forward leaving the unknown unknown.

Conveniently, WALMART is just outside the city of VAN WERT on the road leading to Route 224, my avenue to the shore of LAKE ERIE - about 100 miles distant.  So, will once again over night at WALMART with the objective to reach the Lake-side city of SANDUSKY, Ohio in four to five days, i.e. next Tuesday (today being Friday the 13th).

We are in AMISH Country.  Out of consideration to these kindly folk, I choose to NOT photograph them.  The above image is an AMISH "Wagon" parked in the "Amish Barn" provided by WALMART to afford the Horse and Wagon protection while the Amish Family is inside shopping.

I parked overnight near their garage.  During the short time I was reading in SPIA-2, no less than three AMISH Horse and Wagon arrived, shopped, and drove off to CLIP CLOP ...CLIP CLOP.


Steel culvert pipes crossing UNDER Route 224 roadway are exceptionally LARGE.  We are close to Lake Erie on somewhat FLAT land.  Apparently lots of surface water flows when it rains.  Looking at the map. a number of waterways from Lake Erie reach many miles into the OHIO land bordering the lake.

Good price for FIREWOOD in a land of limited trees .

* * * * * * * * * *

...and so ends one more update on a not-so-newsy day.

It has rained on and off leading to a breezy cool offshore wind.  We are getting close to the part of the country where intense storms form from cool lake air meeting moist warm Gulf of Mexico winds. 

Could be a lively interesting experience traversing New England.

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