Saturday, June 14, 2014

POST 1347; JUNE 14, 2014; OTTAWA, OHIO

Today had to be high on the list of pleasant days to walk.  High CIRRUS Clouds, mild breeze, safe walking road, and many interesting things along the way.

Walked the town of VAN WERT, where we stayed over night.  Set off on Route 224 East, traveling through the small cities of OTTOVILLE and KALIDA before arriving at the city of OTTAWA where we will stay the night.

Many impressive structures are being discovered lately.  Seems to be part of a rather extensive evolution in social manner of life and living.

Increasing number of "manufacturing" plants are appearing, affording residents opportunities for employment not realized in many towns discovered crossing the Great Plains to the West.

This shows up in the quality of homes coming into play as we approach CLEVELAND and the shore of LAKE ERIE.  Will be interesting to learn if this trend continues.

Recognizing the major change all across AMERICA is the vast acreage of manicured lawns and even rather large fields.  This, I propose is the result of a SINGLE evolutionary machine...the Lever-Action Controlled Riding Mower.

First encountered 4 years ago, this mower is now found in every corner of AMERICA, including the tiniest villages, resulting in RURAL AMERICA challenging the most prestigious Golf Courses in beauty and utility.

The Lever Action Riding Mower has made all AMERICA look like the best AUSTRIA has to offer.

While on the subject, must also comment on America's Roadways.  It is difficult to find Roadway Litter - except in one or two specific locations not to be identified here or now.

Whatever else may be happening - gun mayhem, for example, I have met tens of hundreds of people from shore to shore...every one of whom I can honestly call a friend.

Middle America, at least is in rather good shape. 

OTTOVILLE Spires are visible for miles to the approaching visitor.

Agriculture equipment manufacturing is only one of at least three large companies within the city of KALIDA.

Storage yard chocked with newly manufactured machinery.

Eye catching water works in one of 10 large fish rearing ponds.

Unguarded fish rearing ponds ... fish rising to the surface as I walked the berms.  A nice alternative to the thousands of acres dedicated to the rearing of Corn, Soy Beans, and Wheat.

No irrigation needed in these parts.  Nature provided moisture appears to be in balance to crop needs. 

Barns go the way of old soldiers:

OLD SOLDERS NEVER DIE...THEY JUST FADE AWAY (General Douglas MACARTHUR upon departure of the Far East during the Korean War.)

Demarcation between two major foods...CORN to the Left...WHEAT to the Right.

For Barn Lovers everywhere.

WHEAT bursting with grain.  Going to reap  50 plus bushels per acre from this field

The Wheat field producing the above stalks of wheat.

Results of prosperity from factories in town follow:

* * * * * * * * * *

Been fighting to complete this blog update.  Internet signal has been erratic at best and GONE much of the time.  Had to move to McDonald's today as PIZZA HUT had NO signal at all.

Will stay the night here in OTTAWA, with FINDLAY as tomorrow's destination.

A large strong storm is moving in tomorrow afternoon.  I want to be parked at WALMART , FINDLAY when it arrives.

From FINDLAY, Route 12 to Route 6 will lead us to SANDUSKY, Ohio, on the shore of Lake ERIE, where an historic "MAYNARD" event may have happened...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce,

    There are sure a lot of very magnificent majestic buildings on your walk. Too bad the buildings of present days are not constructed as well as those old ones. Seems like, only after 30 years, the buildings are demolished, and replaced. America has really become a throw away society.

    Ohio and Indiana do have some spotless and wonderful building sites, don't they? One thing I have always noticed about Indiana, is that the highway department always has their road sides and highway medians manicured like a lawn. That is one of the few states that really cares about appearance. It is also one of the few states that has a sales tax on gasoline. I am sure that helps fund all that mowing.

    Have a fabulous walk.
