Monday, June 16, 2014

POST 1349; JUNE 16, 2014; TIFFIN, OHIO

Yes, once again our walking route has been changed. 

Routing through SANDUSKY takes us nearly 200 miles along Lake Erie waterfront. meaning lots of traffic, high prices for nearly everything, and a slow pace.  No question the lakefront would be photogenic and interesting.  Dwindling funds dictate I stay in low-cost country. 

Have therefore opted for US Route 224 to TIFFIN, where we will stay tonight; thence, Route 162 East to AKRON, Ohio.  Will drive across AKRON, picking up Route 88 at RAVENNA; following Route 88 to PARKMAN.  Route 528 will then lead us from PARKMAN to Route 20 near GENEVA.

Route 20 parallels Lake Erie shore, crossing PENNSYLVANIA and into NEW YORK.

The expected storm has not arrived.  TIFFIN, where I have walked from FINDLAY today, is surrounded by towering CUMULUS clouds, but as of yet, no threat of rain or wind.

* * * * * * * * * *

Not much commentary as this farming region is not changing.  Beautiful upscale homesteads on farms planted with Corn, Wheat, and Soy Beans.

Last week I was bitten by a mosquito in my sleep no less than 5 times, including on my face and one in the center of my upper lip.  Never did see the critter.

Since that day, I have become listless, having to fight to keep walking more than two or three hours without rest.   My be my imagination to link mosquitoes with my energy level, as have never before reacted to their bites.

Will head from McDonald's (where this update is nearing completion) to WALMART, read for a bit before going to sleep. 

It is now 3:00 pm EDT, but have no energy to walk more today.

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