Tuesday, June 17, 2014

POST 1350; JUNE 17, 2014; WILLARD, OHIO

Our storm never did show.  Judy says another one is coming my way.

I certainly did pick a route of less density.  Towns are shrinking in size and further apart.

Drove out of my way to reach the town of WILLARD, OHIO where I found internet service at McDonald's.  WHETHER I can find a place to park over night remains to be seen.

May jump around a bit the next couple days to find Internet Service.

Still three or four days from  CLEVELAND / AKRON.  It is becoming humid and hot.

Rose with the Sun.  Walked town center of TIFFIN, before heading East on Route 18 / 162 for five hours.

Enjoy leaving the city behind.


A Log Cabin

After walking from TIFFIN, used the tiny village of REPUBLIC to park SPIA and complete the early five hours walk

A number of ranch homes have put a lot of effort to landscape rather large ponds...with excellent results.

Topography is changing from FLAT to UNDULATING, making walking a bit more intertesting.

Encountered a few Red Wing Blackbirds today...first time birds in any numbers have shown themselves.  Recall having blogged several months ago about the few birds to be seen.  If anything, even fewer birds are seen as I walk East.  Have not paid too much attention 'till now.  Even the DOVE is difficult to find.  In past years, Doves were found every where.  Am beginning to be concerned about birds, even Turkey Vultures are not seen in any numbers. 

Another home with a private pond...with crystal clear (blueish) water.

Wind generally blows somewhat constant as we near Lake Erie.

The above SHERIFF intercepted me, claiming local(s) reported me taking of photographs of their properties...and were concerned that I might be up to no good.

After a short chat and a POLICE radio check of SAM and ME, was given the OK to keep doing as I always have.  Even Deputy Wilkinson agreed to sit for a photograph.

While being interrogated by Deputy Wilkinson, the local property owner was having his new lever-controlled mower tested by the local Dealer, GARY.

Please say HELLO to BOB, Wife CAROL (just celebrated their 40th Anniversary with a trip to MEXICO), and Grand Daughter, 15 year old SIDNEY.

Met 62 year old Grandpa Bob earlier in the day as he was completing his Daily 1.5 mile walk.  Bob's body shows the results of his efforts...GREAT JOB, BOB !

* * * * * * * * * *

Is now 3:00 pm EDT local.  Will get this update posted - if the signal holds steady long enough...it keeps dropping out.  Will then look for a place to spend the night.  To the East are few villages - if the map is to believed.

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