Sunday, June 22, 2014


My walk out of PENNSYLVANIA has been uneventful if rather shortened by driving more than usual.

At the PENNSYLVANIA border, my DEBIT CARD was "REFUSED" even though ATM confirmed available funds.  Had to use my AMEX Card at a sky high interest rate.  Naturally, DEBIT Card Bank is closed until tomorrow.  Would be a difficult turn of events if those funds were not available for whatever reason.

Yes, the PENNSYLVANIA Lake Erie shoreline is nearly continuous WINE GRAPE COUNTRY.

i.e., not much to choose from for photo subjects.

Route 20.  A good walking road in PENNSYLVANIA and NEW YORK.

One of the limited number of Wineries on Route 20.

A challenging looking Golf Course...lots of water hazards.

Joined NORTH EAST ALLIANCE CHURCH services today.  Afraid I talked a bit too much.

Town of STATE LINE, NEW YORK Grocery Store.


NEW YORK Route 20...just look at that wide berm.  Now that is a "Walking" Road.

* * * * * * * * * *

Will over night at WALMART in the town of FREDONIA, New York.

Believe I will hunker down here in FREDONIA for three or four days, walking BACK and FORWARD on Route 20 AND walking over to Lake Erie shoreline Route 5 where I hope to find many photograph worthy subjects.

A few moments ago, I twisted my right knee trying to get out of the narrow McDonald's chair I'm sitting in to create today's update.  Have walked on it and am NOT pleased to discover the pain just below the knee joint.  Have taken an IBUPROFEN an will "baby" the injury.

Seems my age might be trying to tell me something.

After FREDONIA, plan to visit BUFFALO Old Town and NIAGARA FALLS, one day's walk.  It is then North and a bit East to the St LAWRENCE RIVER; thence over the top of the ADRIONDACK MOUNTAINS to the border of VERMONT.

For many years I worked, Snow Skied. Water Skied (the length of LAKE GEORGE), ICE BOAT SAILED on a frozen LAKE CHAMPLAIN near BURLINGTON, Vermont), and SNOW MOBILED near LAKE GEORGE.

So, in a manner of speaking I am coming home.

1 comment:

  1. I been at church for last 10 days
    Just now catching up on your travels
