Monday, June 23, 2014


OK...found out a thing or two about CREDIT / DEBIT CARDS, things which have cost me $$ and created more than a little concern.

ATM statements are NOT necessarily CORRECT.  Electronic posting from the SELLER to his Bank and on to ATM can sometimes take more than a day or two; i.e. common sense dictates that ATM be given adequate time for current CORRECT postings to catch up.  ATM reported my  DEBIT CARD had funds to make my desired purchase...WRONG...!  Therefore my account was overdrawn some $9.50, incurring an automatic $36.50  OVERDRAFT PENALTY plus $5.00 each day the overdraft + Penalty is not paid. By the time I again checked with ATM, Total Overdraft plus Penalties totaled over $100.00.

Solution is not yet reached.

Second DEBIT CARD, reported by ATM to have considerable $$ balance, received a "STOP" from the "SYSTEM"...this last Saturday when the bank was closed.  This morning I discovered by cell phone that the "STOP" was issued by VISA because within a short time interval I queried ATM two or three times for my balance.  This ATM query triggered an automatic "HOLD" on any purchase transactions.

In neither case did I do something wrong, except trigger the "SYSTEM" to execute automatic actions against my DEBIT CARDS...without my knowledge and at a time when I could not access the SYSTEM for information.

Have taken action today to correct both situations with minimal $$ penalty accessment.


Leaving SPIA at WALMART, took a IBUPROFEN for my injured Right Twisted Knee, and proceeded to walk some miles over the next six hours into the nearby town of DUNKIRK, New York.  A nice selection of images resulted, together with meeting and chatting with locals.

No, not a bit of knee pain...then again, took good care to "Baby" my steps to avoid miss steps.

SPIA in her over night spot.  Each time I leave SPIA for a walk session, I take a way to have a record in the event someone decides they need her (SPIA) more than I do...Holy Moly, what an awful thought .

U.S. Highway 60 leading into DUNKIRK, New York.

BLUE..nice touch, reminicent of buildings of NORTH AFRICA, which I have been fortunate to visit four times.,

Please say HELLO to ED.  Sitting on his front porch, ED engaged me in conversation as I walked past.  Those healthy plants are SUN FLOWERS.

Ed also gave my a "Heads Up" about following Route 5 into BUFFALO, New York, and how to find my way to the edge of NIAGARA FALLS...a spot I have visited a few times in the past, but always local current logistic advice is welcome.

Thank You, ED.

Please say HELLO to DAN, a retired gentleman offering his labors to take care of is neigbor's grass cutting.

DAN and I enjoyed an excellent conversation about a number of current interesting events.

Bells decorating the front yard of a street side resident.

History of DUNKIRK and New York's first Railroad to the Great Lakes.  Interesting Read.

Route 60 dead-ends on the beach of Lake Erie seen in the distance.

A COLD STONE Waffle Cone - single scoop - cost is $4.65...not within my budget.  Must await return to McDonald's $0.47 Soft Ice Cream Cone.

Sea Wall protecting the Small Boat Basin.

A French 37.5 foot Yacht similar to the yacht CRI and I once owned and sailed for some years in Long Island Sound, New York, and into the Atlantic Ocean.

Moorage rates of DUNKIRK.  I most recently paid over $3,000.00 per year in Bellingham, Washington.

The Marina Manager told me fishing within the Harbor is very good for the moment, with Small Mouth Bass fighting to jump into local fishing boats...not to mention local favorite WALLEYE, a Perch type delicacy going up to 30 inches in length.

Please say HELLO to NEIL MACINTYRE, P.T.,  who seemed interested in this old man and his efforts to find body limits for walking.

Look forward to your comments, NEIL.


Continued my walk into a couple residential districts before return over I-90 to WALMART and McDonald's.  Plan to stay one more night at the local WALMART.  Tomorrow will take up Route 5 toward BUFFALO, New York.

* * * * * * * * * *

Obviously, some interesting architecture and impressive PRIVATE HOMES in DUNKIRK.
I enjoyed taking this day out to look into the secrets of the town --- instead of walking headlong from Point A to Point B.  Lots more fun and interesting when poking around in someone's Home Town.


  1. Lots and lots of very nice old buildings in great condition. When a person is really looking for these nice buildings, it is possible to see various types of architecture from years gone by.

    Bruce, it looks like you are having a great photo taking experience, while meeting more and more very nice people along your route.

    Happy Trails..........

  2. Great talking to you Bruce today. Thanks for calling us old folks!B@ E

  3. Bruce someone was using my visa card number while I was at church
    I found out my card was stoped when I truer to pay for $75 for gas
    still no credit card
    Dallas of wv
