Tuesday, June 24, 2014

POST 1358; JUNE 24, 2014; HIGHLAND ON THE LAKE, New York

Along with the longest day of the year came the humidity of the NorthEast Summer.  Intermittent rain squalls form, drop some 15 minutes of rain and move on.  At least nights are mild, not too humid, allowing reasonable sleep.

One of my two DEBIT CARDS has been rectified, allowing me to move on toward NIAGARA FALLS, which I plan to visit tomorrow.

Today is dedicated to US Route 5.  Will sniff out yet another WALMART for tonight about 20 miles from the Falls.

My stamina is still a bit zapped from humidity I'm, guessing

Found a couple cute photo subjects today during the three walk sessions..

LAKE ERIE Southern Shore, approximately 25 miles West of BUFFALO, New York (NIAGARA FALLS)


1950's REPLICA GAS STATION.  Gas price is set on those pumps at $0.34.99 per gallon...days when a gallon of gasoline was much LESS than a pack of cigarettes.

* * * * * * * * * *

Cigarettes in the 1950's went like this:

 - Put a quarter ($0.25) in the cigarette machine.
 - Receive the pack of cigarettes.
 - Remove the cellophane wrapper.
 - Pocket the four Pennies CHANGE packed inside the Cello wrapper

Yes, a pack of cigarettes cost $0.21 per pack.

COKE cost a nickel and the returned bottle earned $0.01.

HERSHEY Bar cost was $0.05.

Washington State used green plastic Tax Tokens @ value of 3 Tax Tokens = $0.01, and were legal tender for all purchases...not just for paying the tax.

Before World War II, Tax Tokens were made of aluminum

Brother Jim and I made $$ peeling the aluminum foil from the empty cigarette packs (picked up along roadways).  After 1942. aluminum disappeared from the consumer market.  Instead it went into B-17 FLYING FORTRESS BOMBERS (and many other WAR time products).

WINGS was the favorite cigarette in SEATTLE, Washington after 1941.


  1. Lead foil was on cigarette packages until about 1947.

  2. Enjoyed your pic
    Dallas of wv

  3. Looks like that house with the siding running every which way, is in dire new of stain.

    When you mentioned the cheap prices of gas, I can remember when cleaning Dad's desk drawer, I found some old fuel tickets for diesel fuel, for a mere 16.6 cents per gallon, from 1966, for farm use. The cheapest gas I can ever remember buying was 19.9 cents per gallon, then up to a high of 24.9 cents per gallon. I could go to the movies, with a couple of bucks, buy a soda and ice cream, and still have some coins jingling in my pocket when I came home.

    Yes, those were, indeed, the "good ol' days.
